Whipped and Suspicious

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Sirius watched America and melted a little. 

       Her squared-off shoulders as she strutted down the hallway, looking like she had the whole world at her hands. How she adjusted her blazer before storming off after she won an argument. The deep red lipstick that she always had on and her ink-stained fingers.

       How she hunched her shoulders and her dark, grey eyes, there was a narrow ring of green just outside her pupils, the colour as deep and rich as moss. They blurred as she frantically read a book that she couldn't get enough of. 

       Her little smirks like she knew things about people that no one else does. How she stayed silent in public but in the middle of a conversation made a sarcastic, witty comment, leaving everybody shocked. Her messy red hair and dishevelled look as she stumbled into class every morning.

       How she unconsciously seduced everyone with her raspy voice and mysterious aura. How she recited perfect poetry and knew how to plan everything to perfection. How she was energized by time alone. She was quiet and strongly opinionated. How she only made decisions based on logic and reason, preferred to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible. She was an independent thinker, she thought with her head, and never with her heart.

       America preferred coffee and always had like, three empty tea mugs on her library desk from last week. Sirius knew she loved history, poetry, classic literature, but hated tradition. She spoke Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Parseltongue, German and Latin. She was always one step ahead of everyone in her class and in general.

       Sirius sat on a bench with the rest of the Marauders and America sat on the grass, reading a book. The clouds moved at just the right moment, fully lighting her face by the sun. As if it weren't enough that she was willing to stand up to me and clearly unafraid to be herself, she was dazzlingly beautiful.

       Underneath thick, dark lashes were eyes grey and stormy, and that single green ring, constantly daring him to take a closer look, to see if it was really there or just a figment of his imagination. It was something dark and mysterious to match her dark hair. It was something cool to balance out the flames in her hair. Her brilliant red hair was like honey, roses, the sun and all good things altogether.

       Her cheeks were smooth and pale. And her lips, soft and deep red, slightly parted as she studied her book. Sirius knew what those lips tasted like, and the mere thought sent butterflies to his stomach. She tasted like coffee, cherries, cigarettes, mint, and all things good.

       Sirius felt a strange flutter in his chest, like the glow of a fireplace or the warmth of the afternoon. It stayed there for a moment, playing with his pulse.

       "Prongs?" he said suddenly, though he didn't have anything to actually talk about. Sirius just needed someone to break his gaze.

       "Mhm?" he responded, looking away from Lily, who stood ten yards away, casually talking with her friends. Only James would be able to spot her from that distance. Only James.

       "What homework do we have today?" Sirius asked casually.

       "Since when do you care about homework?" he asked.

       He shrugged. "Since I've wanted to graduate."

       James only rolled his eyes. "Come back to me when you want to talk about something that actually interests me."

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