10. Play Detective.

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"You guys were dating and you didn't tell me?! I thought we were best friends!"

Seokjin exclaimed.

Hyein bit her lips awkwardly, "B-best friends?"

"Turns out I was the only one who thought that!" Seokjin finished with a dramatic sigh and a feigned expression of hurt.

"I-I Mr.Kim Seokjin, it's not like that." Hyein tried.

"What? The fact that we are not friends?" Seokjin asked, making his voice tremble like he was about to cry.

"I mean, of course, We can be friends. It's just that we are keeping our um... relationship a secret." She explained.

"For what?" Seokjin asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

"....um... that," Hyein fumbled around, "The rumors! Yes, there will be rumors if the news of our relationship gets out."

Seokjin frowned, bringing a hand to his chin thoughtfully. "You don't seem like someone who would care about what other people thought about you. Actually, I thought you couldn't care less."

Hyein only forced out a smile. What he said was partially true, but she didn't know how to reply to that.

"Anyways, how long have you guys been dating?"

"A-about a month," Hyein replied hesitantly.

"One month?! Spill the details!" Seokjin cried and Hyein tried to shush him, scared that someone might hear him.

"W-well, It isn't much...."


"And I brought her to that famous restaurant in Seoul."

Taehyung proclaimed, impressively to a wide-eyed Jimin who was sitting across him, listening to the story of his little brother's confession intently.

"She was really impressed. She couldn't even take her eyes off the decorations." Taehyung chuckled at the memory, recalling how surprised she was.

"And then I quietly took her hands in mine and leaned forward to her." He narrated, enacting the scene with a dramatic flourish, holding Jimin's hand in Hyein's place. "I was like, 'I know you like me'. She was so flustered she couldn't look at me in the eyes!" Jimin's frown deepened. That doesn't sound like Hyein.

"I didn't beat around the bush, I said 'Go out with me' and she said yes! She didn't even hesitate!" Jimin nodded his head acting surprised at his story.

"And then you swept her up in your arms and spun her and you guys made out and yadda, yadda, all that Disney movie stuff, right?" Jimin mocked raising an eyebrow at his younger brother.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

Jimin couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, but before he could ask, the door flung open and the furious Secretary stomped in.

"You shouldn't have done that Taehyung! Seokjin just practically begged me to give him details." Hyein visibly shuddered at the memory, "I barely escaped!"

"Seokjin found out about you guys? I wonder what happened..." Jimin trailed off suggestively, his signature feline smile making an appearance. It was then that she noticed Jimin for the first time. He and Taehyung in one room? And they were both alive? That could only mean one thing.

"You guys made up?"

The question caught the two of them off guard. Meekly they exchanged a glance. Jimin suddenly smiled upon meeting Taehyung's gaze. Reaching out a hand he patted the younger one in his head. "Of course, being the big brother I am, I decided to forgive him."

Judging by the expression on his face, Taehyung didn't quite approve of his statement but nevertheless decided to go with it.

"Anyways, we have something important to do." Hyein began, looking at Taehyung dead in the eye and Taehyung knew what she was onto.

"The spy. We have to find him before he could bring any further damage to our company."

"Are we playing detective? Can I join you guys this time?" Jimin asked eagerly, bouncing up in his seat with child-like excitement. Hyein looked towards him and so did Taehyung. Just from the look of utter disapproval etched in Taehyung and Hyein's faces, Jimin knew he was in.

He fist-pumped the air.

"Let's go catch a culprit!"

A/n: In case you guys were wondering, that's not how the confession went

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A/n: In case you guys were wondering, that's not how the confession went.

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