11. Secret Spy Agents.

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Taehyung knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock

"Password," A mellow voice floated from the darkroom.

"You know who I am," Taehyung replied.


"Do I really have to do this?" He asked.


"I love you."

 "Ack... cough..cough..ahem... Wr-wrong. Try again." Taehyung smirked at her reaction, as he decided to go along. "Hyein is the best."

"Correct. You may enter."

He opened the door and as expected Hyein was at the center of the meeting room, her expression grave with a dimly lit candle on the table. Taehyung rolled his eyes. "A candle? Seriously? Why don't you just turn on the lights?"

"No. Then people would know that there's someone inside and they would want to pry."

The mischievous grin on his face widened. Stalking up to her, he slowly bent down to where she sat, his face getting dangerously close to hers, "And we don't want that, do we?"

Hyein didn't seem to catch on to the underlying meaning as she simply shook her head. "We don't."

The door suddenly creaked open and a head popped in the way, "Baby Chick reporting! No tails. I have acquired the CCTV footage." Taehyung scowled at the interference as Hyein's mellow voice echoed through the room."Password,"

Jimin smiled enthusiastically."Hyein is the best."

"Enter." He bounced inside, slowly closing the door behind him, and came up to take a seat beside her. Taehyung did the same, as she crossed the fingers and leaned forward onto the table. Training her gaze on to Taehyung, she asked, "Tiger. Have you secured the area?"

Taehyung nodded his head amused, "Yes. There won't be anyone here from 7:30-8:00."

Hyein turned to Jimin, "You have the CCTV footage? It's going to take a lot of time and patience to go through them. We'll need someone with a lot of time in their hands."

Some kind of understanding seemed to pass between them as they both turned their head towards Taehyung.

"What? Me?"

"Tiger. You'll be in charge of checking the CCTV footage."


Before Taehyung could protest Hyein turned towards Jimin. "Good Job, Baby Chick."

"Thanks, Pumpkin," Jimin replied with his signature smile.

"I'll have you know that the name's Owl," Hyein stated.


"Not funny, Jimin-ssi." Hyein replied shaking her head at his lame joke and Taehyung couldn't help but burst out laughing. Hyein and Jimin turned to him with a glare.

"Hahaha...haha.. I'm sorry but it's too hard to be serious when you are acting like this." The collective glares intensified and Taehyung threw his hands up a little exasperated, "Oh, please! What's with the code names and passwords? We are not some secret spy agency."

"You are ruining the atmosphere, brother." Jimin hissed.

"Tiger, if you can't stay serious, I'll kick you out," Hyein warned, adjusting the sleeves of her blouse.

"Yes, ma'am."

Hyein took a deep breath as she began the meeting. Looking around at each of her secret agents, she asked. "Do you have any suspicions?"

Hyein really wanted to know, because she didn't find anyone that remotely looked like they could be a spy. Jimin and Taehyung had been in the company even before her. Perhaps, hopefully, they might know more than her. Taehyung placed a hand on the table. "Personally, I find Mr.Min Yoongi's Secretary suspicious."

"Woo Suho?" Jimin exclaimed.

Taehyung nodded, "I don't know, but when we were having the meeting, Min Yoongi suddenly appeared out of nowhere and demanded an explanation. How did he know?"

"That might not be-" Jimin began but Hyein cut him off.

"No, go on."

"And at our partnership meeting, Woo Suho had that bouquet! He somehow found out about my phobia and he intentionally had it with him to disrupt the meeting!"

"That's a pretty wild speculation," Hyein commented.

"Yeah brother. It was not them who brought the bouquet. It was Seokjin who gave it to them as a welcoming gift." Jimin replied.

"But who brought the flowers for Seokjin?"

"It must be his Secretary Yang Dohwan. Look, brother, I don't think it's Woo Suho or Min Yoongi for that matter." Jimin stated and Hyein felt that he wasn't just giving an opinion. She felt like he knew more.

"Why do you think so, Jimin-ssi?"

"Because Woo Suho is the one who gave me the solution to our problem."

"Woo Suho?" Hyein enquired, intrigued at the new revelation.

"Not directly, but yes he gave me a hint. It was so subtle, if you are as clever as me you would figure it out." Jimin replied proudly.

"But why would he?"

"I don't know Pumpkin. That Min Yoongi guy... he is strange..." Jimin commented. Fishing out his phone from his suit pocket, he scrolled through the messages, "He looks like he doesn't approve of anything but his actions seem like he is secretly looking out for you."

"What?" Taehyung's surprise was mirrored in Hyein's features as he yelled.

"You know how accurate my 'sources' can be. I got this info from them. I don't know how to explain this, but I have noticed the way he moves. It almost seems like he wants you to succeed." Jimin explained, hinting at his little secret spies who somehow got hold of all the gossip and crucial information going on in the company for him. His sources must have been the ones who found out about Taehyung and her relationship.

"If what you said is true, then we have some serious investigation to do."

"That actually rhymed, are you a rapper Pumpkin?"


"You do have the voice-


Jimin's laughter resonated from within the doors. Little did they know about the shadow behind the door that slowly crept away from there, out of sight.

 Little did they know about the shadow behind the door that slowly crept away from there, out of sight

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