13. Intruder.

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His quiet footfalls inched towards the dark mahogany door. It was quite late into the night and the lights in the hallway had been dimmed. The nameplate in front of her hotel room door gleamed under the light. Room no: 1504

She must be asleep by now. Even if she weren't, he would catch her off guard. She wouldn't expect it.

He had to know certain things. He wanted to find out on his own. It didn't matter what she thought of him. He had everything to shut her up. Or at least he believed so.

To be honest, Lee Hyein fascinated him. Not in a romantic way but in a way that was admirable. He had done some digging and had found out about her past ventures. They were interesting. She was clever, someone who could be a potential threat if he were not careful. She would be a challenge if he were to confront her upfront. Extreme measures had to be taken. Boundaries were to be crossed.

He could have ignored it. He didn't have to go so far as he did, but he was a man of his word. Years of watching after the same boy, he had grown quite fond and protective of him. He couldn't let him get hurt.

His pale fingers slipped in the master key. The key slowly turned in its lock with a satisfying click and he quietly pushed open the door.

The lights were out. That was a good sign. She must be asleep. He closed the door behind him and bolted it shut. Eyes scanning the darkroom, he quietly made his way into her hotel room.

He took extra measures to be quiet, just in case. It was Lee Hyein after all he was dealing with.

It wasn't enough.

A sharp throbbing pain shot through his back and he was suddenly slammed to the ground. A knee was pressed into his spine and a weight bore down into his back to keep him from getting out. His left hand was suddenly twisted onto his back and pain shot up his arm.

"Who are you?'' a feminine voice hissed from above.

He sighed. He should have been careful.

Min Yoongi turned to the side giving her a clear view of his face. Mustering up a smile as dignified as he could, he replied. "It's me. Yoongi."

Surprise flickered through her features. But if Yoongi hoped he could get out by acting friendly or dumb, he was sorely mistaken. Hyein pushed her hand through his hair and forced his face even more into the ground.

Yoongi thanked the carpet for if it hadn't been there, his nose would have been crushed and his pale face would have some nasty bruises by now.

"Why are you here?"

There was no use in pretending to be nice. "Get off, girl. Or else it wouldn't do good for you... or Taehyung."

He added the last part much like an afterthought, testing the waters.

"You'll have to get out of here alive first to do that, but I assure you, that you won't be if you don't answer me first."

This was a lost cause. He'll have to get a little bit physical. Suddenly, Yoongi flipped positions from under her in a well-practiced move, too well executed to be amateur, but before he could pin the girl to the ground, she had rolled out of the way and now was back on her feet.

Yoongi expected her rush towards a lamp or some object for a weapon. He expected her to scream and alert her neighbors. He expected her to call the security, but to his utter surprise, she never did any of those. Instead, she leaned back against her little lamp table observing him from there, her hands folded, an eyebrow raised.

Yoongi got up from his place on the ground, dusting off his dark ripped jeans and shirt. He smirked, "You have to be sure of yourself before you make a threat. Especially one that involves taking someone's life."

Hyein didn't reply to his word of advice as she observed him.

"I heard about your relationship with Taehyung." Yoongi began.

"What about it?" She asked calmly.

"Are you sure you can handle him?" Yoongi asked. He observed her every movement but she didn't reply. Was this girl a special agent or what? She was so good at hiding her emotions.

"Wait, actually let me rephrase that," He interrupted, "are you sure you are not after something else? Perhaps, his wealth?" He asked in an attempt at provoking her.

She wasn't provoked. Not in the least bit. She looked amused. "Why do you ask that?"

"Just answer me, eh?"

Hyein pursed her lips as if she were thinking about his question. "Your researching skills are very lacking. Work on it and maybe you'll find an answer."

Yoongi was intrigued. She didn't tell him she was innocent. She asked him to find out for himself. She was that confident.

"I'll do that." He nodded his head as he made his way back out of her room but half-way there, he paused. "Oh, and I believe you'll keep what just happened a secret?"

Hyein didn't reply as she scrutinized her intruder with narrowed eyes. Finally, she spoke, "Not for long unless you bring me an honest explanation of what you are doing."

"I have a few more things to check and then we'll do that. Oh, also stay out of his business for me. It's a favor." Yoongi said. He wasn't sure she'd accept it, but now that he had seen her for real, there's a chance she might accept it. Hyein looked puzzled but there was no mistaking that curiosity filling behind her mask.

"Don't you dare do anything that'll hurt him, or else I'll make you regret it."

Yoongi smirked. So she had accepted it. He turned back and walked towards the door.

"Maybe, I won't need to do that research after all," Yoongi mumbled as he made his way out. 

A/n: Something's definitely up with those two

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A/n: Something's definitely up with those two...🤔

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