22. Boy meets Godfather.

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(Turn on the music for an immersive reading experience.)

"Are you okay?"

Yoongi asked the nervous fidgeting figure sitting on the passenger seat as he drove his SUV towards the hospital. The car whizzed through the wind as it zoomed out into the quiet road. The sun had already begun to peak out of the horizon and the sky was painted a beautiful shade of light orange. The boy on the passenger seat only nodded to Yoongi's casual question. Silence soon fell in the car. Neither of them spoke choosing to look ahead at the road stretched ahead.

"Why did you help us?" Taehyung finally broke the silence that had settled inside the car.

Yoongi briefly glanced at him before he brought his eyes back to the road.

"Hmm.. ," he hummed thoughtfully, "So it's finally time for the introductions, huh?"

He frowned, "Actually, I would have loved to test you some more but this will have to do. At least, your secretary is capable enough."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, suddenly feeling defensive at the mention of her name.

"Does the name Kim Sarah ring any bell?"

Taehyung's whole body stiffened at the name of his mother. "How do you know my mom?"

Yoongi's features softened into a sad smile as the memories came flooding back.

"Kim Sarah was my father's best friend. She was also a friend of mine." He began, a slight furrow appearing on his forehead when he realized how cheesy that might have sounded. Nevertheless, he didn't care.

"Growing up without a mother, my father might have thought her company might do me some good. I have to admit it did have a positive effect on my life." Yoongi spoke, tapping his finger on the steering wheel as a soft melody played on the radio.

"She was constantly at our home to keep me company and often I enjoyed her presence. She would always talk to me about her lovely son, Tae-Tae, and how she wanted me to meet him. Sadly, fate didn't allow us to meet back then."

The car slowed down as they reached the city and the traffic increased.

"One day, she came to our home on an evening drenched in the cold rain. That was the first time I had seen her cry."

Taehyung's fingers curled into fists involuntarily as he listened to his story.

"She told me that she couldn't deal with it anymore and that she had left. I was told to look after the child, make sure that he knew every rope and keep an eye on him because, you see, she didn't trust his father. Little did I know that it would end up becoming her last wish."

The tapping of his fingers ceased and Yoongi's grip on the wheel hardened. He heaved a long exhale.

"And that child, my boy, is you." Min Yoongi turned to stare into the eyes of Taehyung.

"I have been watching over you for a long time. I know so much about you. You might as well call me your godfather."

He smiled a genuine smile before turning his gaze back to the road. "And now I have finally met you in person. I wanted to test you. I wanted to check if you could do well on your own. After all, I am a man of my word.

"So Tae-Tae, that's who I am. I know what you think of your mother. I know that you hate the fact that she left you, but she was always there for you, all along.

"You should forgive her Taehyung. She would have never wanted to leave you alone but she had to. But look where you are now. Look how far you've come." Yoongi offered him a smile of genuine pride and admiration.

Taehyung's lower lip quivered as his eyes glistened with tears. 

He knew. Deep down he knew that his mother didn't want to leave him there. That she would have come back had it not been for that car accident, but his young heart was so vulnerable that he couldn't accept fate. Instead, he chose to hate her. He chose to blame her for his miserable life, but all along she had been there watching over him through someone else's eyes. Taehyung wiped the tears off his eyes. He would start over. He would finally come to terms with his mother's death. He would accept reality and move on.

But one thing still didn't let him relax. Yoongi might have noticed his anxiety as he looked towards him. "What's the matter Taehyung?"

"Hyein... she is still there." Taehyung bit his lower lip. Had he been the one driving the car he would have taken a U-turn right then and there to go back to the Zara headquarters. The anxiety was killing him.

"Aah~," Yoongi smirked, "You should have just told me." He tapped his finger against his earpiece.

"Hyein, are you there?... Oh, you already got out. Yeah, Okay... Hmm, I promise... Alright."

Turning towards the side Yoongi informed, "She's fine. She's on her way to Ethereal.Co to get the CCTV evidence or something for the Police."

"C-can we go to Ethereal then?" Taehyung asked anxiously but Yoongi shook his head.

"No, no. You're going to the hospital first. She made me promise her."

Taehyung groaned. That did sound like Hyein, alright? But he wanted to see her with his own eyes. He wanted to make sure she was okay and most of all he wanted to apologize.
When Hyein told him the truth, he had been hurt. He was angry and he stormed out on her. He shouldn't have done that. He should have tried to understand her. He should have tried to talk things through. Why did he act the way he did? Hell, it wasn't like he could leave her anyway. That girl would get into even more trouble if he left her. Taehyung lifted his head.

He was determined. If she couldn't open up to him yet, he would wait.

And he would earn her trust by himself. 

A/n: Awwwww

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A/n: Awwwww... 🥺🤧

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