Chapter 11: The Last Ball

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REVISED: 05 February 2019

11. The Last Ball


Tonight, the most awaited event will be held in the palace. The crowned prince, Shinomori Aoshi will announce the woman he will wed - the woman that will be the mother of his future heir. Many speculations and gossips in town that a princess named Watsuki Emi caught the eye of the prince. The princess was also rumoured that she was staying in the palace for the mean time. As expected, the news made the noble women and their hopeful families really hopeless. After all, princes only married princesses.

It came to Shishio's mind that Aoshi might not choose Misao but he still has his hopes up. For the fame, money and riches...

However, Misao was not excited at all... She did not deserve him and he did not deserve her either after everything she has done. But it hurts so much because she really loves him - not because he was the son of an Emperor but because he was Aoshi. He may not be the sweetest man who exists in the world, his personality may be cold but Misao fully understands him.

She has to tell him the truth.

The truth! Many times had happened that she wanted to tell him about it but she was always out of luck.

Immediately, she was fully dressed in a satin white kimono with gold obi. It was very lovely but Misao does not have enough energy to admire beautiful kimonos anymore. When she was done, Kamatari unlocked her door and slid it open, "Come on Misao, we need to leave now or we will be late!"

At the shoji door of the mansion stood Shishio - but also another man Misao did not expect to see – Seta Soujiro. He was dressed in his usual blue samurai outfit and greeted her with a big smile, "Akari-chan, Aoshi-sama asked me to pick you up!"

Misao smiled at him in return as they went to the carriage. Observing the people around her, she became suspicious when she heard Soujiro called 'Shishio-sama'.

Nevertheless, Soujiro has been serving Aoshi since she met them together in the woods. Misao suddenly thought that Soujiro might be trying to be polite to Shishio.

Where was Yahiko? The sudden realisation that she had not seen him for days was a sudden worry for her and the problem stewed in her mind until they reached the palace. They left the carriage and stood on the steps for no reason that she watched with boredom the many noble people passed by entering the elegant gates of the palace.

Soujiro returned and they all entered. Misao was surprised to see him changed his clothes. He was now dressed in black elegant kimono with his sword hung at his waist belt. He gave her a warm smile and said, "Don't look at me like that Akari-chan! Aoshi-sama will be really jealous!" He joked out and laughed.

She smiled back but suddenly became suspicious of the boy.

She had never officially entered the palace before – only in the gardens. She did her best to look comfortable and put in her thoughts that Soujiro was a nice person and a friend.

The Emperor and Empress had ordered the main hall to be decked out with ribbons of gold and roses filled everywhere! Looking around, all noble people wear the same colouring, with a few variations of other colours and designs.

Her eyes found him immediately, he stood near the thrones and he had on a Japanese military uniform. It was her first time to see Aoshi looked like a real royal warrior! He spotted her and smiled softly at her. Misao watched him excused his self and made his way to her. Her stomach was full of butterflies as he was getting nearer and nearer to her...

She blushed; it seems that all of her blood rose to her cheeks.

"Hello." He said and looked at her.

"Hello." Misao greeted happily. "I would be honoured to receive a dance from you."

Aoshi smiled at her boldness, it was the man who should ask – not the woman. He nodded and took her hand.

"I'm glad you're not ill anymore. Does your head still hurt?" He asked, concerned.

"Not anymore." Misao answered and looked at him.

"Aa." He whispered.

"I... I really longed to be with you tonight..." she said, almost crying. Tonight, she will tell the truth. This may be the last time she will be held by his big arms...

"Aa." He grinned at her boldness but he suddenly noticed the tears falling from her indigo eyes. Aoshi wiped it away, he admitted that he longed to see her too. "Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am!" she cried. "But... Aoshi-sama, there is something I really wanted to confess but I don't have enough courage to tell you before. Aoshi-sama I..."

"Akari, dear!" Someone called, it was Shishio. He went and grabbed Misao's hand from Aoshi.

"Oh, your highness, I'm sorry to disturb your dance with Akari but we need her now." Shishio said to the prince in an oiled voice. Aoshi only nodded. "We'll be back immediately."

Shishio holds her hand tightly as a confused Aoshi came out from their view, "You stupid brat, you're going to tell Aoshi the truth!" he said as he forcefully dragged Misao away from the crowd.

"I will not be your puppet!" she yelled and pushed Shishio away. "I will tell him the truth and you cannot stop me!"

She expected to see anger from him, hatred or at least a bit of annoyance but instead... she was met with an eerie grin, "Have it in your own way but never forget what I am capable to do with your foolish actions."

Shishio walked away, leaving Misao all alone, completely afraid.

Why was he doing this? She did not know his real motives but she knew that it was not good. She even held a deep fear in the back of her mind that his plans are purely wicked.

As fast as she can, she went to the crowd and search for Aoshi. In no time, she saw him not far away. Again, he spotted her and came her way; her heart felt sad but she knew the truth must come out before Shishio had a chance to make everything worse.

Aoshi was only a few steps away from her but...

...suddenly an arm was around her and she found herself locked in the arms of Seta Soujiro. His blue eyes twinkled as he smiled at her, "I hope you enjoyed your act being Akari!" he leaned down and kissed her.

End of Chapter

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