Chapter 10: The Tea Time

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REVISED: 05 February 2019

10. The Tea Time


Soujiro accompanied Aoshi today.

Their horses' rumbling noise could be heard on the dirty gravel road. Aoshi was really excited to see her again. He was thinking about what will happen today that he barely ate his breakfast. Realising that she never talked about her cousins before, he wondered if they are good people.

They were now at the front door. They slid it open and they were not surprised to see Akari with her three cousins waiting inside. They greeted them and gave bows in return.

However, Aoshi felt that something was very different in this house. He felt that something is odd. Really odd.

"Your highness, it's an honour to meet you! I am Makoto Shishio and this is my wife, Yumi. I think you have met Kamatari before, haven't you?" the man exclaimed who is trying his very best to sound polite.

"Aa." Aoshi replied and took a quick glance at Kamatari, remembering how she's been too flirtatious and annoying.

The world echoed around Misao; like being under water - she heard them talk, watched through a terrified fog as they went into the dining room for the tea preparations. Aoshi asked her several questions, she nodded as Shishio, and the others was watching every move and words she will say. Shishio has been very specific about her answers and behaviour this afternoon.

Misao felt like an invisible in the room, watching all people around her exchanged conversations though Aoshi does not say much either. She wished she would ask to take a walk with her, to have a moment or anything that would let them be alone - to explain that his tea was poisoned. But she was out of luck.

Aoshi took a quick glance at the woman beside him, he can tell that Akari was very uncomfortable.

"Aoshi-sama, why don't you sip some tea? It's really delicious!" Soujiro said, taking another sip. "I have never tasted anything like this before!"

"Thank you so much, Soujiro-kun! I'm glad that you like it!" Yumi said, smirking at the smiling boy. "Why don't you try it, Aoshi-sama?"

"Aa" he nodded. Suddenly, the girl stood beside him and quickly grabbed the cup from him but it accidentally fell on the floor. He looked at her, confused.

"What is it my sweet cousin?" Yumi said, glaring at Misao.

"Umm..." Misao looked at Aoshi. His face may be stoic but his eyes glint a flare of concern. She wanted to weep in his arms and told him that Shishio planned to murder him today. She almost did but she's aware that Aoshi and Soujiro are both unarmed and the consequence will be worst.

"Oh you poor dear, the headache must have returned." Shishio commented and took her close to him as he looked straight into her eyes.

"Yes, I beg your pardon." She answered.

"I think you need to go to your bedroom." Kamatari commented.

"Shall I help you, Akari-san?" offered Aoshi.

"Oh no, you don't have to. A man going to unmarried woman's chamber can spark so many ideas, Aoshi-sama!" Yumi said giving Shishio and Kamatari another suspicious smirk. He felt very uncomfortable at the way they look at each other.

"Aoshi-sama you need to..." Misao yelled but before her sentence was finished, Shishio held her arm tightly that it almost hurt her and shoved her into the hallway that led to her attic room.

She was trying her best to fight her tears as Shishio slid the shoji door closed. "Now, do not attempt to make a way in our plans and you will meet your death here!" he whispered.

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