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REVISED: 05 February 2019



Aoshi and Misao were married the following week. It was a small but a lovely ceremony with only the Imperial family and close friends to witness. Not long after the wedding, Emperor Hiko abdicated the throne so the title will be given to Aoshi. The former Emperor Hiko went to vacation in a distant town with his wife, the former Empress Okon. They promised that they will return in the arrival of grandchildren.

His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Shinomori Aoshi was the newly declared ruler of the entire kingdom. He implemented new rules and regulations, his main priority was to make Japan a country of peace and prevent any rebellions' uprising in Northern Kyoto.

Kenshin and his long time fiancée Kaoru were finally wed a month later. Misao found a close and wonderful friend in the Princess Kaoru. Soon, their husbands found that they should get used to each other's company because their wives cannot be parted.

Within a year, both women announced that they carried the next generation of royalty. The arrival of Kenshin and Kaoru's son was celebrated. Kenshin was proud as a peacock over having the first grandchild. They gave their son a beautiful name, "Himura Kenji."

A month later, Misao gave Aoshi a bigger bragging right when his son and daughter entered the world together as twins. They named their son, "Ichigo"; he was physically tall like Aoshi but was energetic like Misao. On the other hand, their daughter was named, "Sayaka"; she resembles his father who was very often serious as a child. Although, the twins were completely opposite in attitude, they carried the exact eye colour of their father Aoshi. They have a beautiful pair of ice blue eyes.

As for Sanosuke and Megumi, they were not married. However, the couple was now living together under the same roof. Megumi was busy working as a full time doctor in town while Sanosuke was recently promoted to a higher rank. Megumi told Misao that she wishes to marry him when the right time comes...

Misao's long-time best friend Yahiko was now a young man. He was now training swordsmanship in Tokyo and she had not seen him for years. But she almost laughed when she heard a news from Sanosuke that the playful boy before has now a girlfriend named Tsubame. Times flies quickly, she realised.

Shishio, along with Yumi and the rest members of Juppongatana spent the rest of their days locked in prison. It was later discovered that the odd couple went mad inside the walls of isolation and killed themselves together. It was a horrible end.

Soujiro, who was known for being a traitor served only five years in prison. It was found out that in the past, the former Emperor Hiko was responsible for the death of his family. When he was a child, the Imperial soldiers in Northern Kyoto killed his parents because they were falsely accused of joining the rebellion. He became an orphan and he did not have any relatives to look after him. His That made his hatred against the royal family grow inside him. After being released as a pardon, Soujiro apologised on the things he had done in the past and he has begun a journey to start a new and better life. They never knew what happened to the odd boy; Misao wished he found happiness somewhere.

Five years after the birth of their twins, Misao received a letter from Kamatari. She was happily living in a faraway land and was now working as a sorceress. She spoke of the many rich men who gave her gifts and how she hope that someday, she would fall in love like Misao had.

And they live happily ever after...

The End

Author's Note: My dear lovely readers, I would like to thank you for reading this fairy-tale of mine! I would not make it through the end without your support and love.

I have mentioned the age of the characters throughout the progress of the story but for those who wants to clarify it, it still follows their ORIGINAL age:

Aoshi – 26 years old.

Misao – 16 years old. (Nearly 17)

Kenshin – 28 years old.

Kaoru – 17 years old. (Nearly 18)

Yahiko – 10 years old.

Sanosuke – 19 years old.

Megumi – 22 years old.

Hiko – 48 years old. (But in the original RK series, he was 43 years old.)

Okon – 47 years old. (Age unknown in the original series.)

Soujiro – 18 years old.

Shishio – 30 years old.

Yumi – 30 years old. (Age unknown in the original series.)

Kamatari – 29 years old. (Age unknown in the original series.)

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