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I woke up and stretched, I rubbed my face and picked up my phone in hope of seeing a text from Bambi. I didn't see any, she hasn't texted me since the other night. She's probably just busy with other stuff. I brushed it off I went through my other texts.

I found one that sticker out. It was a random number that had sent me pictures. I opened the text and my heart dropped to my ass.

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What type of fuckery

I looked closer there was a girl, she looked like she had been raped and tortured. I looked closer... no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not her, it's just a girl that looks like her. No, it was her she had the same mole on her inner thigh.

What's wrong?

Don't like what you see

Where is she

With me

I swear to god I'll kill you once i find you

I don't think so

Let's make a deal

I'm interested

As long as she's not hurt I won hurt you

That's not a fair deal

But I'll take it


Who ever this was would be dead when I got my hands on them. I angrily threw  my phone at the wall cracking it. "Yo what happened" Leo asked, "somebody has their hands on my baby" I growled. "Who" he asked, "I don't know" I replied as I grabbed my suitcase.

"How do you know that somebody has their hands on her then" he asked, "these" I shown him the pictures. "You should go kill them" he said through gritted teeth, "I will" I said as I threw the stuff into the suitcase. I grabbed the rest of my shit and then Leo drove me to the airport.

I bought my ticket and then got in my plane.


There were strong hands around my waist. They weren't Mikes so I didn't like them. I tried to get away as the hold on me tightened, I had little to no strength at all. I felt Kobe's hand move down my bare body to my clit. He massaged it and it hurt, there was no pleasure what so ever.

I whined as I tried to get out of his grip, "stay still" he mumbled. I continued to fight with the little bit of strength that I had. I felt pressure around my neck "I said stay still" he growled, "ok, ok" I gasped. He let go and I took a couple of breaths.

Kulture started crying signaling that she needed my attention. I looked back at the monster who had his arms around me. He let go and I picked up Kulture to feed her, she started quieting down but I decided that her diaper needed to be changed before it got full.

I used all of my night to push myself off of the bed and tried to stand. It hurt, badly so I sat back down. "Kobe" I said quietly, "what" he snapped at me. "Can you please get her wiped and diapers please" I asked, if he didn't get it then she would just have to be without it because I couldn't stand.

"Why don't you go get it" he asked lowly, "my legs, they hurt... really bad" I said quietly. He smirked at me and planted a kiss on my cheek before getting up so he could get the diapers and stuff.

He came back with her supplies, I tried to get up but my legs started hurting even more. I sat down and buried my head into my hands. "What's wrong" Kobe asked as he stared rubbing my back, "c-can you please change her, I-I can't do it" I looked down at Kulture as tears slipped into my eyes.

"If you think I'm gonna hurt her you're wrong, I'm not that fucked up" he said as he took Kulture and the rest of the stuff from me. He took Kulture to the bathroom and changed her, he then hurriedly gave her back.

To my surprise he put her diaper on right. "Go take a shower and then you can cook breakfast for everyone" Kobe said as he gave me a towel. I took and then got in the shower. I watched the dried blood on my legs turn the water on the shower floor red. I scrubbed my skin raw making sure I got every last bit of dried up blood, Kobe's disgusting cum, and my own cum.

Once I finished I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around my chest. "Go make us breakfast" Kobe nodded towards the door, "yessir" I said as I picked up my clothes. "What the fuck are you doing" he asked as he snatched the clothing away from me, "I- you told me to go make breakfast, I was just gonna put my clothes on firs-" he slapped me.

I held back my tears, "now go down to the kitchen and make breakfast" he growled. I nodded my head and slowly opened the door and went downstairs. There was a crowd of guys in the living room playing a game. I tried to sneak past them and into the kitchen but one of them looked over and started whistling.

I could feel my face heating up as I hurried to duck into the kitchen and just get the humiliation of this over with. I looked around for some pans once I found some I sat them on the burners on the stove and cracked some eggs in one.


I dished the food out onto plates and gave it to the guys in the living room. "Thanks ma" one smiled as he stared at my body, "yeah thanks" another said before cupping my chest. I backed away from him, I sat the last plate in front of another boy. "Thank you Starr" he said calmly while looking me in my eyes, he didn't have a cold gaze like Kobe and he wasn't disrespectful like the other guys.

"You're welcome... sir" i nodded and started making my way out the crowd of guys, I felt someone slap my ass. That was the last straw, without thinking I bumped into him causing all of his food to spill into his lap and o to the floor. I felt a him grab my hair and pull on it, "clean it up" he said harshly.

"Yessir" I nodded as a couple of tears slipped down my cheek, I quickly went upstairs and gave Kobe his plate. I came back down and cleaned up that assholes lap. He grinned at me, "hey you go take a break I'll clean up the rest of the mess" said the respectful boy. "No, you keep your ass here" barked the other guy, "I said go take a break" he glared at the other guy and he backed down.

"Thank you, sir" I said as I left to clean up the mess in the kitchen, "yo, I get that she's pretty but y'all don't have to be pervs about it" said the nice boy. "C'mon bro I know you wanted to look" said one of the guys, "no I didn't because I'm respectful" he snapped back.

The argued and then the nice guy said something and they all quieted down. I took everyone's plates once they were finished I was gonna wash then but then the nice guy said he'd do it and then he told me to go take a nap.

"Thank you so much" I hugged him then I remembered I wasn't supposed to touch anyone so I let go. "You're welcome" he nodded, I gave him a weak smile and then I went upstairs back to Kobe's room and fell asleep.


I'm in math class and I'm literally falling asleep. 💔

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