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Here's a chapter explaining the nicknames and why they were picked.

Starr :
    I'm called Bambi because I'm the smallest and "cutest" out of my entire friend group.

    I'm called Cookie because when I was younger I didn't like my name and I wanted to get called cookie instead. There's nothing much to it.

I'm called Sparky cause I can just start talking and I'll spark a friendship or a conversation.

    I'm called chuckles cause I smile a lot and because when I first got my braces I would only "chuckle" instead of laugh because I didn't want to show them.

I'm called baby face because I got a baby face that's it. But this baby face pulls girls so I ain't complaining.

You can guess why my nicknames Tye.

    I get called Trigger cause I make hella offensive jokes and it be triggering people.

I don't really know why I'm called Fuego but I like it.

They call me captain cause I just like being in control of shit.

Well that was it for our little nickname portion.
Wrd count: 189

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