Party Girl

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We arrived at a huge house. There were cars lined up outside of it. "You ready" Mike said getting out of the car. "Yeah" I took off my seatbelt and started opening the door. "Hold up" mike said closing his door and rushing over to my side.

"Here you go ma'am" he opened my door and bowed down. "Thank you" I climbed out the car and then pushed Mike. "Oh wow you just gonna do me like dat" he said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Yup" I leaned my head on his shoulder. We walked up to the door and Mike knocked.

A boy a little shorter than Mike opened the door. "Aye my boy" he said going in for a hug, Mike let go of me and hugged his friend. I watched them do there handshake and then the boy pointed to me.

Boy: who's this?
Mike: Derek this is my girlfriend Starr.

Derek: hey I like your name.
Me: thank you yours isn't that bad.

Derek laughed and let us in, we walked into the house which was almost filled with people. "So where's the birthday nigga at" Mike said grabbing two cups and filling them, he passed me one and I took a sip. What ever was in it was strong as fuck. "Vallyk" Derek yelled walking into the kitchen he signals for us to follow so we did.

We walked into the Kitchen where there were to guys arm wrestling at the table, a group of girls near the fridge staring me down whispering and giggling, and a boy sitting on the island counter talking to some other guys.

"Wassup birthday boy" Mike said walking up to the boy sitting on the counter. "Ayeeee you made it" the boy hopped off of the counter. They did there thing and then the boy smiled at me and winked.

Vallyk: hey I'm Vallyk.
Me: hey I'm Starr but you can call me Bambi. Also please don't wink at me.

Vallyk: you have a boyfriend, if you do then ion see him.

Me: look to my left.
Vallyk: oh shit my bad bro.

Mike: nah you good. Just don't do it again.
Vallyk: I won't.

I noticed how Vallyk seemed to take orders from Mike even though Vallyk was the gang leader. I was hanging with the boys when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hmm" I said swallow my drink and lowering my cup.

I turned to see a really pretty girl who looked kinda like Derek. "Hey can you help me real quick" she said pointing out of the room. "Uhh sure" she grabbed my hand. "I'll be back Mike" I gave him my cup.

We walked off into the bathroom. "What's wrong" I said keeping my hands balled into fists incase I had to fuck a hoe up. "Can you please help me hind this..." she moved her hair to show a bruise on her face, "... and then can you help me with my dress" she smiled.

"Who did that to you" I say turning her head to look at the bruise I examined her a little more she had some scratches on her arms. "Follow me to my car after this" I zipped the back of her dress and then we walked down to my car and grabbed my foundation from my bag and patted it into her face.

"What happened" I said doing the rest of her makeup because I got carried away. "I got into a fight a couple minutes ago" she shrugged her shoulder. I finished then put some lipgloss on her. She looked in the side view mirror and smiled. "She hugged me. "Thank you so much" she let go and had the biggest smile on her faces

"Its not that big of a deal" I said putting my bag back in the car and locking the doors. We walked back into the house.

Girl: my names Ahiella I'm Dereks twin.

(I know that they're not really twins)

Me: hi I'm Starr and I'm Mike's girlfriend.
Ahiella: I knew I seen you before.

Me: fa' real?
Ahiella: Mike talks about you to Derek a lot. I heard you also go by Bambi and i just want you to know that that's the cutes fucking nickname I've ever heard.

Me: thank you.

We walked back into the house and sat in the kitchen with the boys. We were all talking when another girl walked up to us. "Vallyk" she squealed, "hey Jazzy" Vallyk hugged her and then she gave him his birthday punches which turned into all of us abusing the birthday boy.

Wait how old is he" I said as we all stopped, "he's 19 now" the girl named Jasline said. "Oh hol up" I punched him two more times. "Wait who are you" Jasline asked, "she's Bambi" Ahiella said, "oh your real names Starr right" Jasline Hugged me. "Yeah" I looked over at Mike who signaled for me to turn right back around.

I met another Kobe and I hoped that he wasn't like the other asshole. I also met this guy named Angel who was actually really funny.

2 Hours Later

Me and all of my new friends and Mike were outsider even though it was pitch black when we heard screaming in the house. We ran in and seen people running out. Mike shoved a gun into my hands I freaked out and turned to see the girls with their weapons drawn and aimed. I looked ahead and seen the shooters.

I walked into the crowd and shot the first two without anyone knowing. Then I heard "wait where's Bambi" I shot someone else as the room cleared "there she is" said a scared voice. "What the hell Starr" I ignored the talking and then Ahiella and Jasline who had snuck into the crowd with me shot down a couple more people.

We wandered around the room which was still packed from wall to wall with rushing people. Jazzy shot the last person and then we pushed everyone else outside. "What the hell Starr" Mike said pulling me into a suffocating hug" he snatched the gun from me. I looked to see the girls and the boys just watching.

Mike looked at them and then started talking at me like I was a dog who peed on the carpet. I interrupted him "first of all you're gonna stop yelling at me" I pointed into Mikes chest. He looked at me shocked and was about to say something else but Vallyk cut him off.

"Hol up we need her" Vallyk pushed Mike outta the way and stood in front of me.

Vallyk: How long have you been doing this?
Me: a couple of months.

Vallyk: you're pretty good, you're in.
Me: wait, really?

Mike: no!
Vallyk: I made up my mind.

Mike: but-
Vallyk: she's perfect, she's the smallest outta all of us it's easier for her to sneak around and look at her she looks so nice.

Me: that kinda hurted me tho.
Ahiella: it's a compliment.

Me: okay.
Mike: she can't.

Me: why not, just two weeks ago you said I could.
Mike: I- but.

Kobe: chill we'll keep her safe.
Mike: I know, but-

Me: that's enough Mike.

Me and everyone else walked away in a group, Mike stood there looking dumb. "Cmon Michael" I said looking back at him. We all cleaned the house up and then me and Mike started heading out.

Ahiella: Starr wait real quick.
Me: wassup.
Ahiell: here.

She handed me her phone for me to put my number in, I gave her my phone and then she passed it to jazzy who passed it to Vallyk, then Kobe, and finally Angel. I gave Ahiella her phone back. "I'll put you inna group chat" Angel said handing me my phone. "Okay" me and Mike finally left.

We went home and I took a shower and collapsed onto my bed.

hI hOw ArE yOu Im ThE cOoChIe MaN

You better keep it going. I hope you like the chapter have a good mfkin day✌🏽🔮

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