🏝 Beach House 🏠

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Mike and I had finally arrived to the beach house that we were staying in; as we got out the car Mike helped me take in my bags. After all of the bags were in we explored the house a little bit. I didn't really wanna talk cause I was tired but I also had to go somewhere basically against my will.

Mike: what's wrong?
Me: Mike, you know what's wrong.
Mike: look I'm sorry I shouldn't have invited you to that party.
Me: why did we have to leave?
Mike: imma say it like this. Bambi when I get close to a nigga I get attached to em and that means I care for em n shit.
Me: so you care fah me.
Mike: yeah but like I feel for you and shit. And if somethin happened to you I woulda been pissed. Like I woulda got fucked up in da head n shit.
Me: I'm sorry for getting mad then. I know you was tryna protect me and shit now tho.
Mike: I shouldn't have taken you home after that party.
Me: if you didn't I woulda got hurt or worse, and I'm thankful that you did.
Mike: well I shouldn't have told you to shoot Richard.
Me: mike...

I grabbed his face pulled him down closer to me and made him look at me.

Me:... what ever you get yo self into imma be there to help get chu out.
Mike: Bambi I-

I cut him off I didn't wanna hear him blaming himself. So I kissed him. I know I coulda put my finger up to his lips or told him to shh but a kiss seemed right in the moment. I finally pulled away.

Me: you da same nigga who basically saved my life two fucking times. Ion wanna hear you blamin yo self for bullshit like dat again. You hear me?
Mike: I-I

Mike was completely speechless. We stood there not wanting to break the silence. Some how we managed to say everything we needed without moving our lips or making any noise at all.

Mike gently pulled me into him not breaking our eye contact he leaned in and we kissed. It was like some shit out of a movie or somethin. It was perfect I could hear the gentle crashing of the waves and I could feel Mike's soft lips against mine and I could feel his heart beat against my chest, that was everything I needed in the moment. I felt like I could stay like this forever not needing to come up for air at all. Mike finally pulled away and I could see him blush despite the lack of lights and the shade of his skin.

Mike: I-I I'm sorry I ain't mean to do dat.
Me: nah it was perfect.
Mike: Shit I'm sorry.
Me: stop fucking apologizing.

I said grabbing Mike's face again.

Mike: I- ion know what to say. If I say sum I'll ruin this.
Me: then don't say nothing.

I leaned into Mike again. I was thirsty for his soft plump lips; they were what had me in this mood and I loved it. Mike slowly pushed me into the wall and made sure there was no space between our bodies. Mike started to slowly grind into me grabbing my hips as he did so. I let out a soft moan that I had been holding in. This is what I wanted. Mike is what I wanted. I don't care that he does the shit he does anymore. I wanted this moment to never end. But it had to everything has to end at some point. Mike continued to kiss me he started trailing his kisses to my cheek and then to my neck. I could feel his dick rise. I pulled my head back against the wall to create some distance between me and Mike. I didnt want that I didn't want sex at least not right now. Mike backed away from me and put his hand up to his face in shame and embarrassment. I pulled it down.

Mike: shit I knew I was finna mess it up.
Me: no I messed it up but dats okay.
Mike: I'm sorry, I'll go deal wit it.
Me: I'll be in my room.

Mike walked off and I went into the room that I think was supposed to be mine. I just chilled in my room. For some reason I decided to go check on Mike so I did. I walked out of the room and down the hall to his. I slowly cracked the door open and peeped in and on the bed sat Mike with a gun pointed at himself.

Me: what the fuck?
Mike: shit.

    Mike dropped the gun there was a moment of silence before we both dove for it. I fell to the ground in a successful attempt. I stood up and held the gun behind my back as Mike reached for it.

Mike: cmon give it.
Me: why was it pointed at you?

    I started crying at the thought of coming in while the gun went off.

Mike: I'm sorry don't cry.
Me: why would you point a fucking gun at yourself?
Mike: I-I
Me: do you know how it would feel to lose you?
Mike: no.

    He gave up and leaned back on his elbows. I sat beside him staring at the weapon in my hands. Thinking of how it would feel to lose someone else.

Me: ion know you like that, but I can't lose you.
Mike: I-I'm just tired, I won't  gonna fire it.
Me: don't you ever do that again.

    Tears flooded my eyes again at the thought of losing him. Mike sat up and pulled me into my lap and wiped my continuous tears. "Stop crying, it's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay" he cooed as he slightly rocked me in his arms. He buried his face in my hair I knew he was crying I could feel tears drop onto my scalp. I waited for him to lift his head but he never did. This ended in me falling asleep in Mikes arm, I felt safe like nobody could hurt me at all.

We here's this chapter I kinda like it. Word count: 1065 don't forget to tell me what you think. 💕🔫🦋✨

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