Hey Writer Person - On Beginnings 🖋

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Hey writer person,

A friend of mine asked me a while back to speak to her writing class about beginnings. So, here we go:

As far as I'm  concerned, the Beginning is where anything goes. You don't NEED an outline, you don't NEED a plot. Those are all great if you do, but at the bare minimum, all you need to begin is an idea. It's the foundation of the story. Everything can get built up from what you first lay down. So give yourself permission to play, to experiment, to try new things.

But if I've learned anything, it's that if the foundation isn't constantly maintained, the whole story you build on top can come crashing right down. What you write in the beginning will HAVE to change and morph as your story progresses because as you write you discover things about your characters and worlds that you probably didn't know when you wrote the first pages. And in the best stories, the details laid out in those first pages come back to affect the final one. So always go back to the beginning, again and again, to make sure it's ready to habdle the ending.

And since we're on the subject of beginnings, just for the record -- it is my personal belief that prologues are awesome. Whoever says otherwise is a Sith Lord, Don't trust them.

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