Hey Writer Person ✍️ - Picking an Idea

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Hey Writer Person,

I'm finding it hard to focus these days. A lot of different stories keep pulling me in different directions, different characters whispering in my head. 

I've made a terrible mistake, Writer Person. I've been trying to write them all. Which means I've gained traction in exactly none of them.

It's not the first time I've found myself in this position. And not the first time I've found it hard to get out of it.

I have to pick one. That's all there is to it. I have to pick one and force myself to commit to it. I have to tell the other stories no, I'm sorry, you'll just have to wait. They'll be there when I return. For now, I just have to commit. 

But how to choose? 

There's two things I do: I go for a really long walk. I dont bring headphones, I just walk and let my mind wander and eventually one the stories rises in my head above the others. I figure that means it's the one I'm most ready to tell. Second, I get a shiny new notebook, one that speaks to the story Im going to tell. The notebook is sort of a promise to myself, to the story, that I wont abandon it until the pages are filled. It makes the story more tangible, a thing with a place in the world.

When your head is swimming with different ideas, how do you know which story to tell, Writer Person?

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