Hey Writer Person ✍️ On Second Drafts

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Hey Writer Person,

So a friend and I were talking second drafts the other day. And I was trying to break down how I approach them. It's different every time! Some books require a complete over haul, and the task is so daunting I need to step back for months before I tackle it. Others, I've been editing as I go so I have an obvious plan in place for the next draft and I only need a short break before I come back to it. One thing is constant between drafts though, I NEED A BREAK. I put the story away and then I either start something new or read an awesome book. There's no rules to how long I let a story marinate, I just have to wait til I'm ready. So that's the thing about second drafts, I guess - there's no rules. They are a personal thing, I think, different from writer to writer, story to story. You know how you work best. You know what your story needs. You know the best way to tackle it. So trust your gut and tackle that next draft however you need to.

And celebrate completing the first! I firmly believe this is crucial to the process. You finished a book! That's a huge deal! For me, that means I get to order pizza or pay the local bakery a visit. What's your celebration treat?

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