Hey Writer Person 🖋 - On Bad Reviews

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Hey Writer Person,

How about them reviews, eh? Let's talk about that part of being a writer person. The no fun part....BAD REVIEWS. Mean comments. 1 stars. Thumbs down. 

You splash your heart onto the page, you put in all that time and effort, and some reader somewhere got on the interwebs to tell you they hated it with the fire of a thousand suns. 

It hurts. Stings right in the feels. But you know what, Writer Person? That's ok! It happens to EVERYONE. Dont believe me, check out some of the reviews for any universally loved book on goodreads. Stephen King, Atwood....even Shakespeare. Go look, I'll wait.

See? You make a thing and you release it to the wild, and some ppl won't like it. It's something you have to accept before you even finish that book. Some ppl will just hate it. But some ppl will love it too. LOVE IT. And that's who you're writing for, anyway. 

So don't let the negative voices get you down. Brush them off, get yourself a treat to feel better, and then write on, Writer Person. Write on.

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