Hey Writer Person ✍️ - Platforms

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Hey Writer Person,

There's a lot of talk out there about platforms - about building a big audience and oodles of followers and racking up reads. If you want an agent, publisher, top spot on the shelf, its all about making that HIGH SCORE BABY!

I dunno how true that is. Those things are great if you have them, they definitely help, but as far as I can tell, it's ultimately the writing that matters the most. And (controversial opinion time) maybe even more than the writing, it's the IDEA. Readers want to get lost in a great story (agents publishers editors are all readers first, remember). They want to experience things they've never seen before, they want to know characters the way they know their best friends. Readers don't care if the writer has a huge following or a small one. Just good story. And a writer can only give them that if they WRITE. 

So don't worry if your reads are low, and your followers are just your mom, aunt and best friend. Find that story that sparks your heart and lose yourself in it. Focus on craft. Seek out writers who's work you admire, seek out peers who love story as much as you. Join critique groups and book clubs. Build a writing community around you so that you have support.

The more you improve your craft, the more readers will take notice. So you do you writer person, the numbers are just noise.

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