Hey Writer Person - Middle Book Blues 🖋

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Hey Writer Person

Oh the dreaded midbook slump! I'm there myself. Couple things that work for me - pick out a fresh new book or watch a great, new movie. One I'm excited about, preferably in the genre I'm writing. Let it inspire you. A really great book or movie makes me remember how thrilling a story can be and then I want to write to try and achieve as much thrill for an audience as the book or movie gave to me. The next thing I do....and this is the hard one.....
The next thing I do is really look at the outline. Is there something about it that's stopping me -- am I bored? Am I afraid I can't pull it off? Is it too complicated? Too easy? Is there something here that just isn't working? Often for me, if I plot THE WHOLE story out, I get bored. I try to plot in acts. A few chapters at a time. That way it stays exciting for me. But when a plot stops me up, I have to think about abandoning it (the hard choice). I don't delete it. DON'T DELETE IT! But I put it away and look at the last thing I wrote. Then I ask what if I went in a totally different direction? What if I throw a bomb in right here that derails everything I had planned? And see where the story takes me for the next few chapters to see if I get excited again. Hope that helps! The mid book slump struggle is real!

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