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So then you don't know. But so do I. Even I don't know. But that's understandable. After all, if everything could be known then what would be the meaning of spontaneity. Life's unpredictable and so are you. Things change. People change. But most importantly, you change. And that's alright. It's all a part of life. It's sometimes strange to notice that once things you thought otherwise of,  you are doing it rather happily now. People you thought could never be your friends are now your best friends. Doesn't it get weird? It does, right?  But then that's the fun in this. If it wasn't weird would there  ever be any fun in it? I guess not. Its good to be weird. It has its own perks. And you know what, each one of us is weird in our own weird little way and when we sum this up something fantastically awesome comes up. So being weird is good.

~~~Hope you like it even though I guess this isn't that great. Enjoy and have an amazing day. Opinions and suggestions are welcome.~~~

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