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We are all failures – at least the best of us are.” - J.M. Barrie

The first time when you fail. As in 'fail', it feels weird. Because somewhere inside you knew you would and you knew you just were not ready to accept it. The reason why you waited to get the thing on your doorstep 'failed' is still unknown to you.
                Failure is a unique thing. It has its own fashion of approaching, within knowledge but still undiscovered, unbelievable and when it strikes, it seems that it took your breath away atleast for a minute. Leaving you numb and making the realization sink in that yeah, you knew it that you were not going to suceed this time. But then the numbness fades soon enough and then what you do decides whether you did fail or not. Because you may be smart, you may be intelligent, you may be confident but you may not suceed if you are not sure about yourself.  The point of failure is to be able to succeed, to go beyond and rise above all your problems and to not let that failure reduce your enthusiasm.
                Doing this is much more difficult then actually talking about it because you never know if you will work hard this time. If you will give in your fullest. If you will be able to give in your fullest. Will you?
              And that is where the crux lies. If you change your behaviour now, accept to do what you never did before then there will be no reason for you not to suceed.

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