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"If you don't believe in yourself, how can you believe in me? So forget me. First have trust in yourself, believe i n yourself only then can you have trust in someone else" Buddha

The fact is you can't trust people. No one except the ones who really care for you which are really very few. Our parents or simply those one or two people who genuinely care are the only people in whom we can confide and get the best pieces of advice from because in this whole world everyone including you yourself (whether you want to admit it or not), care only for yourself. Your needs, your requirements, your progress your ways and your life - a happy luxuriously lavish perfect life but remember to never trust others with anything. Never do that because people are good at breaking your trust when you completely believe them. Even your so called 'besties' who matter, don't care. In the end it's just you and what's right and you need to do it because no one cares and all are jealous or too happy to see your sorrow. People will only try to push you down and deviate you from the right path by making you fall into false traps and you will believe them to be true. Nah! Don't listen. Remain unaffected and do your best, trust yourself and don't seek for approval.

               The sad truth, though, is that, at times, even the people who are your true wellwishers and confidantes may not tell you the right thing. There could be any possible reason for that and you may not realize it. So it is always better to trust in a manner that you give your own opinions and suggestions complete acceptance.

          Trusting and believing in yourself is really important. Afterall, it is you in the end who is going to live with yourself and your decisions.

        But always remember that in this race to be first and also the best you need to play the game in the right way without which you may win but you will never be satisfied and your victory will always be short lived. So just do your work in the best possible way and the most appropriate manner, fighting obstacles and never seeking revenge from the people who hurt you otherwise it won't leave a difference between you and them and don't react or rather over react, remain calm and keep your cool as far as possible it will save you a heck lot of problems ;)

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