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"We're free to go where we wish and to be what we are" Richar Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Uncertainty. That seems to be the only constant thing now. But that is not what you need. You need faith, strength and confidence. You don't need distractions but it always seems like you have a thousand or rather more than that trying to allure you into their tying traps away from studies and everything that seems to be important to you. But then why do you still have it in you? That kind of light which tries to tell you that you have everything and you can be the best without any doubt. You can do it and you are seriously meant to do it. You will be rewarded no matter what. But if you work hard for your reward it will be much more fruitful and joyful than it ever can be otherwise. But still even after knowing this, you don't understand why you simply don't seem to open the book, act disciplined or even bring a small spark like this, which I'm sure can do wonders, to your work. Like seriously...

It is true, you should work hard only then will you feel happy about the things you have, the reward or anything you are bestowed upon or else you'll feel guilty about it like a bucket of sadness has been thrown all over you instead of the happiness and pride you could have felt. If things would have been different. But sweetheart, you are still a human...A simple human..With worries, uncertainties and confusions. But never overthink. Just trust yourself and take the next step. Even if you do the wrong thing, be ready for what you might get or gear up and start your ride. Don't second guess. Don't overthink. Just go with the flow and fly high and have faith just like JONATHAN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL. FLY HIGH AND NEVER LOOK BACK because not everyone is lucky to get second chances.

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