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Out of so many places on this Earth, around millions and billions of people, you are here, thousands of species and forms of unique creatures and yet here you are reading this right now. There is a reason for you, for me and for every one out here to be where they are right now at this moment. Though the reason may not be known, it is there concealed under heavy curtains of faith and relief which keeps us happy. But we must know that we should live our life truly, happily and completely. Enjoy, eat, talk, see, feel do all these awesome things which we never were grateful for. God has given us such a nice life and so many things with such little to worry about from the smallest pen we need to any big thing, we have all what we need to where we are supposed to be. We just need to use all our sources, shape them in such a way we are able to achieve the proper target predestined for us and play our role chivalrously giving our hundred percent along the way. We could have been animals, birds, insects or any other thing but now we are here in This form so we should complete the wonderful task each one of us is assigned before going back. We all matter. We can only improve ourself and compete with ourself. We don't even need to compete with others because they have been assigned some other work. You just need to trust God and hope for the best. Just be grateful for all you have and every other awesome thing in your life whose worth will be realised when it's gone.

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