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Desires. Wants. Needs. Requirements. They are all pertaining to give human body it's basic fulfillment and also denote the luxuries and every other thing you can think of. It should be noted how all these things can change a person, their mood and their state of mind.


            It can be really annoying to note that often when you calm down or rationalze you just understand without actually trying to , the lack of importance of a particular thing. Haha!

       All that hard work to help you get it for nothing. No satisfaction because it was just a thing of lust, admiration, beauty, fashionable  or anything that caught your attention for it. And then you wonder how come you ever allowed yourself to look at it the way you did.      

                                      It could be that beautiful watch or dress you saw displayed in the shop and then after a few days when you again passed that shop, you realize that there was nothing special about it. Isn't it weird?

                      Now that saying comes in your head, since the fox couldn't get the grapes, he called them sour.

                      But no, this isn't about the grapes, this is about you. It is your choice. Again, an option. And you desired that thing once. But then, you didn't.

                It's because when you have a thing, you know you have it and then you don't bother to enjoy it because again the cycle continues, you pass that shop and find something more interesting. How foolish! That's life.

                 You never see the beauty in your life. This morning, I was just thinking how beautiful my life is and I wouldn't exchange it for a lot of money or the most awesome house or just the better things and then I suddenly realized that I wouldn't ever want to be poor either, like the ones in slums  or those sad parts.  And then it just came to me, I was somewhere accepting my beautiful life without actually being able to figure out its true beauty.

              I have always known that my life is beautiful and all but I just realized that I never knew how beautiful. It is the same in this case. You know it's worth, you accept it's worth but somewhere, somehow it just takes time for the  beauty to seep through the thick skull you have.

                 To allow the beauty of your life to sweep you off your feet , you need to forget thinking about all the other things and simply cherish your life. No looking or comparing or thinking about anything else and how good or bad it is.Just your beautiful life and how does it all make you feel. Suddenly, you'll feel that you never felt better because in trying to figure out the beauty in your life, you will slow but certainly feel enchanted by its mesmerising spell.
~~~ Do take a few valuable seconds and vote. Don't forget to comment and share.  I would really like if you could.Today's been a beautiful day and I hope you all liked this update. ~~~

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