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Lukes hands shake and he continuously glances nervously to Michael as they get out of the car.

"Take deep breaths, lu. You're okay. You can change your mind whenever you want about anything and you can tell me the second you get uncomfortable or need something, okay? Everything is gonna be just fine. You're in total control of the situation and you are not going to do anything for anyone else's benefit, right? Can you say it?" Michael stands with the boy and pep talks him.

"I can change my mind whenever I want, I can tell you when I'm uncomfy or need something, and I'm in control and won't do anything for anyone else's benefit." Luke repeats, working on taking deep breaths and focusing on counting them.

"Good job. You wanna talk to me? How are you feeling?" Michael asks kindly.

"I'm excited but I'm scared, what if I don't recognize him o-or he gets upset or he acts different or... I don't know." Luke whimpers and Michael coos, pulling the boy in for a hug.

"I will not let him do anything to upset you. He's still the same Ashton, he's been through this before, I'm not gonna let anything go wrong, okay? We can wait as long as you need, you tell me when you're ready and we'll go in." Michael reassures and Luke nods, accepting the hug and focusing on his counting and breathing.

"I'm ready." He says after a minute. Michael nods and leads the boy into the building and to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, we're here to visit Ashton Irwin?" Michael says politely and she nods and typed something into her computer.

"Okay, I'll just have you two fill out these quick forms and then I'll send you up." She smiles and Michael nods, taking the clipboards and handing one to Luke who smiles politely and shyly at the woman. The two go and sit and fill out the information needed, signing what's necessary, and take the clipboards back to the receptionist.

"Looks good, so you're going to go up the elevator to floor three and head to your left, you'll pass a cafeteria and then there's some private rooms. It looks like Ashton Irwin should be meeting you innnn... room 4. I'll let him know his visitors are here so he can head that way." The lady informs and smiles warmly at the two. Luke hopes Michael remembers all that because his brain is too scattered to have caught a word.

"Thankyou. Have a nice day." Michael says, the lady returning it and Luke smiling again before following Michael off to the elevator.

The blonde rubs his palms against his jeans as he listens to the elevator count floors, feeling his chest tighten and his breathing labor. They step out of the elevator and he grabs Michael's shirt, stopping him.

"Can we take a break?" He asks, and Michael notices how he's panting.

"Yeah, yeah honey, of course." The man replies, guiding Luke to the side of the hallway so they aren't in anyone's way. "Remember to count love. 4 in, hold for 5, 6 out." Luke nods and counts, hand staying wound tight in the fabric of Michael's shirt.

"Lu, you don't have to be nervous honey. Aren't you excited? Think about how excited you are, and how great it's gonna be, don't focus on what could go wrong, that's my job, I'll take care of that, okay? Tell me what you're excited about." Michael says softly and Luke nods.

"I miss him. We get to talk about everything I've done with you and cali and I can finally hug him and... I don't know." Luke whimpers, but his breathing slows a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, good job Lukey. It'll be great, okay? Ashtons gonna be so excited to see you and talk with you and hug you. You let me know when you're ready, okay?" Luke nods, closing his eyes and breathing more.

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