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"Hey, um, Michael?" Luke says quietly as he peeks into Michael's office. He's been out of headspace again today, and acting a bit off again.

Michael turns from his computer. "Yeah?"

"Um, I-I think I changed my mind. I do want to do lunch or sum'n with Ashton." The blonde says and Michael raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah? If you're sure. When do you think you want to do that?" Michael asks cautiously.

"Um, maybe this weekend?" Luke offers and Michael nods.

"I'll ask him when he's free, okay?"

"Okay. Thankyou." Luke says before slipping away and making his way to his room with heavy breaths. He doesn't want to visit Ashton, he really doesn't. But he doesn't want to stay here and impose on Calum and Michael anymore either, he knows the right thing to do is to go back, go... home.

The idea makes him feel sick, but he also feels like Ashton needs him, and he's being so rude and selfish staying here, abandoning Ashton and burdening Michael and Calum. He's been through worse, he'll adjust and he'll be fine. He loves Ashton, even if it's hard, it'll be okay, he can do it. He doesn't really have any other choice.

"Da- Michael!" Calum yells panickedly as walks quickly to the kitchen where Michael's making himself coffee a bit later in the day.

"Yes?" Michael answers confusedly.

"What the hell is this?" Calum whisper yells as he puts Michael's phone down with texts between him and Ashton about lunch this weekend.

"Oh, we're going to ashtons for lunch on Sunday?" The older man answers calmly, raising an eyebrow.

"I never agreed to this."


"I'm not going." The brunette states firmly.

"Cal, Luke needs you to come for support-"

"I don't want anything to do with him and I don't want Luke to have anything to do with him either."

"He's the same person he's always been, Calum. Why do you dislike him so much?"

"He hurt Luke, and there's no telling he won't relapse again. Luke can't go through that again, he's better off with us where we know he'll always be safe and healthy and-and-" Michael frowns as Calum starts tearing up and hyperventilating.

"Baby..." he sighs and pulls the boy into a hug.

"I hate him." Calum whimpers. "He can't take our Lukey. He hurt him and he can't have him back. He needs us, not him. He's better here. We're better." Calum cries quietly. Michael carefully lifts him and carries him upstairs to the older mans room, sitting with the boy in his lap on his bed.

"I love Luke, I don't want him to leave." Calums full on sobbing now and Michael rubs his back, feeling torn. He understands exactly how Calum feels- well maybe not exactly, but he feels that way too. "And Luke loves us, he doesn't wanna go, he said so, don't make him."

"Honey, im sorry, I understand, but I'm not making Luke do anything. I'm leaving this up to him. I can't make him stay but I'm not pressuring him to go. He told me he wants to visit." Calum sobs harder at that.

"No." Calum cries harder. "He can't. He can't really wanna go." The boys pulls back and takes a deep breath. "He doesn't." He wipes his eyes angrily and stands, and Michael frowns. He doesn't have time to ask before Calums taking off and he sighs, following him as he enters his and lukes room. Luke looks surprised to see the red eyed boy and frowns.

Calum closes the door behind him and locks it so Michael can't stop him and makes his way to Luke who's laying on the bed. The blonde sits up and scoots back so Calum can sit with him.

"What's wrong bubba, why are you crying?" Luke says in a soft voice and Calum shakes his head.

"I'm not little."

"Oh." Luke frowns and doesn't really know what to say.

"Do you want to go live with ash? Really?" He asks shakily and lukes eyes widen.

"What? Um, I mean, why are- yes? Eventually? I mean- hes my-"

Calum shakes his head. "Why?" He asks, voice breaking as he covers his eyes, burying his head in his hands.

"I-I'm supposed to... I mean, he's my boyfriend, and my caregiver, and- it's not that I'm not grateful that you guys have let me stay and taken care of me but it was the plan to go home when Ashton got better all along, right?" Luke answers nervously.

"No. No, you're not supposed to and you don't have to and-and- why?" Calum asks again and Luke looks at his hands.

"I just- I mean- it's not- Ashton needs me, right? I'm supposed to be there for him... and I can't keep, I don't know, just letting Michael pay for my food and take care of me and be in the way of your guys relationship forever-"

"No, Luke!" Calum cuts him off. Luke stares at him as he runs his hands through his hair.

"First of all, that's very considerate but Michael is fucking fine financially. Don't worry about that, okay? You are not a burden and he doesn't mind taking care of you, we love you, okay? And you are not coming between our relationship, we love you, we want you here, I want you here. And fuck Ashton, he fucked up and if- if you really want to be with him then fine, fucking go be with him, but you are not supposed to be with him or anything, you aren't obligated, he doesn't need you anymore than I do and- and- I don't want you to go. I- you can't want to go, lu, I know you can't. How can you feel safe with him? I don't fucking understand it, I can't ever trust him to take care of you and not fuck up again, how can you?" Calum rants, getting more upset and emotional as he speaks. Luke scoots back and twiddles his fingers, trying to disengage from the angry boy and not enjoying the loud and angry words.

"I dont know, I, i guess eventually I will again. I mean, I did before?" Calum scoffs and shakes his head.

"So you dont. Don't go Luke, you don't want to go. I don't fucking understand why you don't want to just forget him and stay here with us forever." Calum pouts as he speaks softer, scooting closer to Luke and cuddling him.

"I- he loves me. I love him. I can't really stay here forever, I mean, what about- I don't know, when you guys wanna have sex or something, and I'm just here, little. I-"

Calum doesn't say the first thoughts that pop into his mind at that.

"We love you Luke. And you love us too, right?"

"Cali, of course I do."

"Don't worry about that stuff then. Forget Ashton and stay here." Calum pouts and Luke sighs.

"Cali..." Luke sighs and Calum frowns.

"You're not gonna listen to me are you."

"I'm listening... but..."

Calum sighs.

"I don't want to go to his place." Luke frowns and looks worriedly at the brunette.

"But- please? I need you." He mumbles and Calum frowns. He feels bad, but if this will stop Luke from going, is it worth it?

"If you need me, I'll be here. I'm not going." He says firmly and luke looks at his hands again with a deep set frown. Calum sighs and wraps his arms around the blonde.

"I love you." He says and lukes mouth quirks.

"I love you too."

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