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Lukes eyes flutter open with a frown as he hears his phone vibrating on the table next to the bed. He looks confused at the screen, seeing ashtons name pop up and gasping, he feels his heart nearly burst with excitement. He glances over, seeing his brunette friend still asleep, and grabs the phone, slipping out of bed and running into the hall.

"Hello?" He answers quietly, voice squeaky because of how happy he is.

"Lukey?" He hears his daddies voice come through.

"Daddy!" He grins widely.

"Hi babyboy. Daddy misses you." Ashton says and Luke blushes.

"I miss you so much daddy. You all done bein sick? You come home now? No more stayin with Mikey?" Luke questions and Ashton is silent for a minute.

"No, baby. I'm not all done being sick. I'm afraid you'll have to stay with Mikey awhile longer, baby boy." He answers sadly and Luke pouts.

"Well, maybe I can still come visit you, daddy!" The blonde offers.

"I don't think Mikey will let you, love." Ashton answers.

"But you're daddy, you get to decide." Luke pouts, sounding sad.

"Not right now baby, right now Mikey gets to decide. You're being good for him, right?"

"Yes daddy, bein a good boy for uncle Mikey." Luke sighs, sad that he can't see his daddy.

"Good. Is he being nice to you? And you're having fun with with Calum?"

"Yes daddy, but I really miss you. Can you please get better so I can see you?" Luke whines and Ashton shushes him.

"Yes baby, I'll try and get better so I can take care of you again, okay?" Ashton says lovingly and Luke nods. "I don't think Mikey would like it if he knew I was calling you though, so I need you to be quiet and not whine for me, okay?"

"Okay." Luke whispers, giggling.

"Okay baby, good boy." Luke nearly bursts into tears at that simple phrase.

"Is Mikey taking good care of you, baby? He's not scary or anything?" Ashton frets, worried the mans discipline style may be too much for Luke.

"No daddy, he's not scary. He's just Mikey." Luke says, sounding confused with the question and Ashton nods, relieved.

"I told him about David." Luke says quietly. "He asked so he could know how not to be scary." The blonde explains and Ashton nods, feeling simultaneously horrible that his baby is getting so close with another caregiver as to tell him something he's only told Ashton before and relieved that Michael is taking such good care of Luke.

"Good, baby. That's good. Are you and Cali getting along? No fighting?"

"No daddy, no fighting. We always cuddle and play and kiss-"

"Kiss?" Ashton asks, confused.

"Yeah, when we play house." Luke says, seeming to think nothing of it.

"On the cheek?" Ashton asks and Luke shakes his head, though Ashton can't see.

"No, on the lips, because when we play house we're married and we're the daddies and the stuffies are the babies and and married people kiss."

Ashton feels the overwhelming urge to get angry, but he knows it's the affect of everything he's on, and he resists. He can't scare Luke away.

"Does Mikey know about that?" He asks, making an effort to calm his tone.

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