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"Okay. Yes, Thankyou. Yeah, I'll talk to him about it. Mhm. For sure, I understand. I don't really know what his answer will be- i mean he wants to see him but it's  - yeah, it's a difficult situation. I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer but i don't wanna rush him about it. Thanks, and thanks for letting me know. Talk to you soon, bye Anne." Michael sighs as he gets off the phone with ashtons mother, feeling conflicted.

He hears the boys banging around upstairs and slowly makes his way up there, not really wanting to have this conversation but knowing he can't choose for Luke about something so serious, it wouldn't be at all fair to not tell him and give him the option.

He slowly opens the door and both boys heads snap to look at him wide eyed.

"Hey, Whatcha guys doing?"

"Playing catch with stuffies." Calum answers, Luke nodding in agreement, and Michael smiles and nods.

"I'm gonna steal Lukey to talk for a bit, be good, okay cal? You can go watch tv if you'd like." Michael permits. Luke whines and tries to scurry away and mike chuckles and rolls his eyes, grabbing the boy and lifting him onto his hip and carrying him to the boys bedroom.

"Lukey, I need you to be big for me so we can talk, okay?" He says as he sits the boy in front of him on the bed. Luke pouts and whines loudly in protest.

"No, talk little!" Luke demands and Michael sighs and shakes his head.

"Sorry Honey, I know you don't like it but you've gotta be big for a minute. We need to have a grown up talk. It's really important, you think you can do it for me?" He gives Luke a serious look and makes the boy look at him.

Luke sighs, think about it, and nods, squeezing his eyes shut.

"W-whats up?" The blonde boy asks, slightly nervous.

"Nothings wrong, you don't have to worry, okay?" Michael makes sure to calm Luke first and Luke sighs, releasing tension, and nods. "Okay, you know how ashtons been in rehab for a while?" Michael asks and Luke nods. "Well, his therapists say he's allowed to have visitors now." Michael can see lukes eyes light up immediately but then he seems to think and they dull a bit again. "His moms gone to visit him already and she called today and asked if you would like to go see him." Michael explains and Luke thinks for a minute before looking at Michael and frowning.

"A-am I allowed to? You'd let me?" The blue eyed boy asks curiously with inquisitive eyes and Michael squints, confused.

"Honey, you're an adult and he's your boyfriend. You're allowed to do whatever you'd like, I can't tell you what to or not to do. I know we agreed you wouldn't see him or talk to him until he was clean, and I'm sorry if I made it seem like you didn't have a choice in that or I wouldn't let you or you weren't allowed to or anything." Michael clarifies, feeling a bit guilty. "But he is clean now, he's detoxed and what not. I mean, he has some more work to do there, but he's clean and he's allowed visitors. You don't have to go and visit if you're not comfortable though, there's no pressure at all. I will 100% support your decision whether you wanna go see him or not." Michael explains calmly and in a soft tone, knowing lukes probably sensitive right now as he's just come out of headspace.

"Y-you'd go with me?" Luke asks nervously, searching Michael's eyes.

"Of course, love." Michael smiles reassuringly and Luke nods.

"W-wouldn't Ashtons feelings be hurt if he kn-knows I coulda come visit and didn't?" The blonde asks after thinking for a while.

"Lukey, ashtons feelings are not what you need to worry about. If you're not comfortable or don't want to for any reason, you do not have to visit him. It would make complete sense- to him as well, I'm sure- if you don't want to go see your boyfriend in rehab after... everything he's done to you. You need to do what's best for your mental and emotional health." Michael coaches and Luke listens quietly and nods along, absorbing the words.

"You don't have to make a decision right now, love. You can have all the time you want to make your mind up, okay? And you're always allowed to change your mind, alright?" The boy takes a deep breath at Michael's words and nods.

"Thankyou, Mikey." Luke says shyly, and Michael smiles and nods. "I'll think about it."

Michael nods. "Would you like me to help you get back into headspace, hon?" The red haired man asks and luke thinks for a second.

"I think if I go and play with cali for a bit I'll be able to, thankyou though." Luke nods and hops off the bed and Michael stands as well.

"Alright, you hungry? Should I start on lunch?" He asks.

"Mmh, kinda. Cali said he was hungry earlier. Can we have sketti?" Luke asks, already starting to slip.

Michael chuckles at Lukes wide hoping eyes. "Sure sweetpea. You go play, you guys be good. Ill call you down in a few." Luke agrees and takes off to the playroom to find Calum.

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