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"Babyboy, how do you feel about going and spending a couple hours at michaels?" Ashton asks as Luke plays and Luke looks up with wide eyes.

"Yes! Yes please, daddy!" Luke cheers and stands, coming to stand in front of Ashton with puppy eyes.

"Even if daddy isn't there?" Ash asks. Luke frowns at that.

"Where daddy?" Luke pouts. He's in a very young headspace today.

"Daddy will drop you off so you can play with cali and go run some errands." Ashton explains calmly.

"No! Daddy stay, play too!" Luke whines, crawling into Ashtons lap and clinging on. Ashton smiles and rubs the blondes back.

"But baby, you'll be having so much fun playing with cal you won't even know daddy's gone, it'll just be a few hours."

"No daddy! Daddy stay." Luke whines.

"Well then we're not going to Michael and Calums." Ashton gauges lukes reaction. The boy pouts and whines.

"Daddy, wanna go play!" The little one cries, Ashton just shakes his head.

"Nope, only if you let daddy leave." Ashton bargains.

"No." Luke says stubbornly and crosses his arms. "No play. Daddy stay." Ashton sighs and nods, petting lukes hair and kissing his cheek.

"Okay baby, we won't go play." Ashton assures. Luke nods and lays against his caregiver.

"Snack?" He asks cutely and Ashton chuckles and nods.

"Sure babe. Play, I'll get you something." He puts the blonde boy down and goes to fetch him some trail mix, the boy happily eating the m and ms out and then eats the rest (except the raisins cause ew) as he plays. Ashton rolls his eyes and eats them for the boy.

The rest of the day goes as normal, and Ashton puts Luke to bed early and gets ready to sneak out.

The boy always sleeps through the night, he doubts he'll wake up. If he did he hopes he'd assume Ashton was in the bathroom and go back to sleep, never noticing Ashton was gone. If he did he can't imagine it would go over smoothly, but he's assuming he'll be back before anything has time to go wrong.

He slips on shoes and silently closes and locks the door behind him, checking to make sure he has his wallet.

He drives off with a small smile, but also a guilty weight in his chest.

He pulls in and hops out of the car, patting his pockets to make sure again he has his wallet and groans when he's missing his phone.

It's about a half hour after ashtons left when Luke accidentally rolls too far and falls out of bed and starts whining and crying for daddy. He goes for a bit and then sits go and crawls back on the bed when Ashton never asks if he's okay or comes to pick him up and comfort him. He looks as ashtons side and frowns when seeing it's empty.

"Daddy?" He calls and goes to the bathroom, glancing on and seeing it empty. He whimpers in fear and turns on the lights, going to the kitchen and looking around.

"Daddy!" He calls louder as tears come to his eyes. He flops down and sobs out, wondering why ashtons left.

The longer he waits the more he starts freaking out. Where could daddy possibly be for this long? Luckily his headspace mind doesn't assume ashtons cheating, but it does jump to conclusions such as Ashton not wanting to take care of him anymore and abandoning him.

He hates being apart from his caregiver so much, but eventually his sobs and harsh breaths die down in exhaustion and he looks around, seeing ashtons phone omg the counter. He sobs as he crawls over and grabs it, calling the first person he can think of, Michael.

Nutella (Alternate Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن