Chapter Five

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Heather's point of view

I was on the Quidditch field. We saw Gryffindor was there. I guess we're practicing with Gryffindors. Ginny come near by me. "You have a blood on your pants." she whispered. "what? That's impossible!" I said. "I swear! Here take my quidditch sweater. I have tampons on my locker." She said.

"Adrian?" I called our team captain. "yes Granger?" Adrian asked. "I couldn't attend the practice." I said. "Why is that Granger?" Adrian asked. "uhm—" I couldn't tell him. "Is someone embarrassed to tell everyone about her period?" Draco asked and he and his friends laugh. "You can go now Granger." Adrian asked and smiles. He's one of the  kindest Slytherin to me. "Thank you." I said and left.

Fred's point of view

I saw Heather left her team and go to the locker room. "Wood!" I said. "Weasley?" Oliver asked. "Excuse me for a minute will you?" I asked. "and why?" Oliver asked. "I'm just going to make sure Heather is okay." I said. "Fine. Since my sister and I are friends with her too." Oliver said. I go to the Gryffindor locker room where I know she would be. She was laying on the bench with her now wearing a Gryffindor quidditch sweater which I guess it's Ginny's sweater. She's wearing her skirt which is very short. Dang.

Heather's point of view

"Heather?" I heard someone called me which I know who it is. "Fred what are you doing here?" I asked and look at him. "To check on you. What happened to you?" he asked. "uhm—" I said. I'm too embarrassed to say this in front of a guy. I stood up and I'm planning to go out now but he's trying to corner me. "Monthly period huh." He said caressing my face. "It's alright for you to say it to me. It happens to Ginny too you know." He said.

"Yes of course she's a girl. Excuse me Freddie. I have to leave now Freddie I'm having cramps." I said trying to escape. "You know what the cure for cramps?" He asked. I starting to breath heavily as his knee were pressing to my skirt. He leaned down to my ear. "Sex." he whispers. He started to kiss my neck and starting to insert his hand on my sweater going up and up. His other hand is touching my legs.

He's now starting to kiss my lips. This is my first and best kiss. "Oh.. F-Freddie.." I said in between the kisses. "Yes darling?" He asked. Damn that's hot. "Stop Freddie." I said and slightly push him. "what's wrong?" He asked. "Everything's wrong." I said and walk away.

I run into my room and flop into my bed. "Oh my god." I said as I touch my lips. Did Fred just fucking kissed me? Did he?! I look into the mirror and saw he left a hickey. "Fuck." I said through my breath. "Where are those probably came from?" I gasped when I heard someone spoke. It's Alice, Alice Granger. She's my cousin and also a Slytherin like me. She's on the upper grade, same with Fred and George.

"Uh it's nothing." I said. "It doesn't look like nothing to me." She said and smirk. "I messed up one spell and this happens." I lied. "Oh yeah?" She asked. "Oh yes." I said and drink my tea. "Is that why you we're moaning Fred Weasley's name?" She asked. I sprinkled the tea that I'm drinking. "Oh.. F-Freddie!" Alice said impersonating me. "Shut up Alice." I said and roll my eyes. "I heard it because I passed through the Gryffindor locker room."She said and smirk.

"That's not what you actually think." I said annoyed. "Okay whatever but if Hermione heard about you snogging with a guy, she will kill you." Alice said. "It's really not what's happened okay? I'm having a cramps and." I said not knowing what to said. "And?" She asked. "he help me to relief my cramps." I said. "I didn't know that sex can relief cramps." She said and smirk. "whatever." I said and roll my eyes.

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