Chapter Seven |SMUT|

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Heather's point of view

I was sitting in the common room relaxing my mind when someone joins me. It's Pansy. "Hey Pansy." I said and smiles. "Hey there Heather. I'm the one who's going to apologise about what my friend Draco did to you earlier." She said. "That's nothing! I wanna ask you a question. Do you like Draco? I mean you're always with him and you always you know uhm.. Protect and cover him." I asked.

"No ew. I like Theodore." She said. "Oh my god. That's great to hear that you don't like that asshole."I said and smiles. "How about you? What's going on with you and Pucey?" Pansy asked. "We're sort of friends." I said. "Just friends?" She asked. "Well he asked me earlier if I wanna go to the hogsmeade with him. To visit Three broomsticks to have some butterbeer and buy candies at honeydukes." I said and smiles.

"You agreed right?" Pansy asked excitedly. "Yes of course!" I said and chuckle. "But what about the Weasley?What's his name again? Fred?" She asked. "Well, I don't think that he's up for something serious you know. I think he only likes to have sex with me then pretend that nothing happens you know." I said.

"How could you say that?" Pansy asked. "Well, something sexual did happen to us." I said. "Bloody hell! Did you two have sex already?" She asked. "What? No. Just make out sesh." I said. "Why didn't you continued?" She asked. "Well I sort of stop him because I have a period and I think that is really disgusting." I said. "That sucks." She said disappointed.

We're chitchatting in front of the fireplace when Madam Pomfrey calls me. "Ms. Granger? Draco did asked you to go to the infarmary." She said. "Me?" I asked and look to Pansy with confusion. Pansy did the same. "Yes now come." She said.

I follow her and when I'm already in the infarmary she left me and Draco alone. "Ah! Granger! You're already here!" Draco said. "What do you want Malfoy?" I asked. "Well I want you to be my personal maid you know." He said and smirked. "Piss off."I said. I was about to leave when Draco speaks. "really? Do you want me to tell everyone that you've been snogging with the Weasley Twins? Would you want your twin sister to know that her younger twin sister is snogging with Two older guys?" Draco asked.

"Fine but just now." I said. "Deal." He said and smirked. "Now what do you want me to do Malfoy?" I asked. "I want you to call me Sir." He said. "That would ne-" he cut me off. "uh uh! The DEAL." He said and emphasise the word deal. I groned and I mentally kill him in my head. "Okay! Fine. What do you want me to do sir?" I asked and smile sarcastically.

"That's more like it." He said and smirk. "Well I want you to come near here." Draco said and I obeyed him not wanting my sister to know about what happened between me and Fred. "What now sir?" I asked. He didn't answer but he just pull me and kiss me. I was completely in shock and that freezes me. I wanted to pull away but I can't. The smell of that expensive perfume and the green apples mixes and those mesmerise me. I close my eyes and kiss back.

The kiss lasted a minute but when we both pull away, I instantly remember what just happened and got mad. "What the fuck Malfoy?" I asked. "You liked it didn't you?" he asked and smirked. "No! That's disgusting!" I said and wipe my mouth. "But you kissed back." He said and chuckles.

"You know what? I'm done with your game Malfoy! Tell whoever you want to tell about me and Fred. I really don't care!" I said and walk away. On my way to the door. Malfoy shouted. "By the way you look scrumptious in those skirt!" "Fuck you Malfoy!" I shouted back and i heard him chuckle. He knows how to annoy me so well.

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