Chapter Two

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Heather's point of view

"Thank God you're alright!" Fred said and hug me. "of course I'm alright! Why not?" I asked. "because what if Sirius Black is there!?" Fred said. "I don't get it! I read about what happened to him and to his friends." I said and get my book. "and?" George asked. "It says Harry's parents were good friends with Sirius, Remus and Peter." I said. "well a friend could betray a friend." Fred said.

"No! I mean, they were like us. Even closer! They even named their selves The Marauders I don't think Sirius could do that? What if Sirius is innocent? What if it is someone else did betray them?" I asked. "Well we don't actually know what happened!" George said.

- Time skip -

At the ceremony, Professor Dumbledore announced something. "Today new year, new teacher. Today we welcome professor Remus Lupin your new teacher in Defense against the dark arts." professor Dumbledore said. Everyone claps. "And I'm more happy to annouce that Hagrid will be your new professor for Care of Magical Creatures." Dumbledore added. Everyone clap again.

"You heard that Fred and George? Our new teacher for Defense against the dark arts is Remus Lupin!" I said and tap them from their back. I am at the different table because I am a Slytherin. "Come again?" Fred asked. "Remus Lupin! Harry's parents' friend." I said. "and?" George asked. "I'll be investigating about him! Will you help me?" I asked. "Yeah! Sure!" Fred and George said in sync.

Then you heard Malfoy called Potter again. "Pottah! Pottah!" Draco said. Harry looked. "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" Draco asked then he and his friends laugh. "Shut off Malfoy!" Ron said. After the feast you usually ask Hermione to let you borrow her Gryffindor tie and robe so everyone will think thay you're her so you can enter the Gryffindor common room. But you're friends with all the Gryffindor that's what it matter. Even with Percy which make your entrance more easier.

At the Gryffindor common room you all was sitting in the couch. "Harry?" I asked. "Yes Heather?" Harry asked. "She's not Heather! I AM!" Hermione said. "Honestly Harry you call yourself our friend?" I asked. "Okay! Sorry Hermione! So what is it?" Harry said. "I'm only joking! I am Heather!" I said then Hermione and I laughed. Everyone in the common room laughed.

"Having 3 twins here in the Gryffindor common room is making me dizzy it feels like people doubles." Ron said. "you're just hungry!" I said and laughed. "So Harry what happened to you? I heard you fainted." I asked. "It is a dementor.." Harry said. "oh that sucks." I said.

Fred walks me back to my dorm. "Hey Heather." Fred said breaking the silence. "Yes?" I asked. "Is something going on with you and George?" Fred asked. "What?" I asked and stop to look at him. "Are you dating my twin?" Fred asked. "No why?" I asked.

"Because you seem to be closer with him." Fred said. "So what if we're getting closer?" I asked. "It is just-" Fred said. "It is just?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. "Here is the Slytherin common room.. I gotta go now! Bye!" I said and plant as kiss on his cheek. He's now blushing red as his hair. He touches that and smile like an idiot.

"Hey! I said bye!" I said and chuckles. "Oh yeah.. Bye!" He said and left. As I am walking in the Slytherin common room, Draco was there. Wow what a surprise he wasn't with his little gang. "It's Midnight! Where have you been you little filthy mudblood?" Draco asked. "Why do you care? It's none of your business." I said.

"If you're caught outside at this time, a point will be taken to our house and we won't win the house cup!" Draco said. "Oh really? AS IF I CARE!" I said. "You should be with your little filthy mudblood twin in Gryffindor not here in Slytherin!" Draco said. "Call her that once again and I'll punch straight in the face!" I said.

"Then you're associating with those poor Weasleys!" Draco said. "That's it!" I said and walk into him and punch him in the face. "Maybe we are Muggle-borns but we are not mudbloods! Maybe the Weasleys are poor at least their family are way more better than yours!" I said and walk away.

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