Avella's Note

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Tea of the Scandalous Nights has officially ended.

Thank you so much for reading Tea of the Scandalous Nights, This story literally test my patience and my discipline in my writing career, on how I want my character to achieve their goals like mine, I don't know what I'm gonna do sometimes while writing this story, I always cramming and have the other stuff to do, especially I'm going to revise the Paint of the Enchanted Nights and so I hope this Machero Series will be published to, this phase on my life will be the most memorable and reminding me not to stop pursuing my dreams and my passion, to those who finish reading this story, aim your dreams, don't give up, don't be impatience it won't take you anywhere, you have to work hard to gain something you want, I will always pray for you're a success and always be happy for other success!

   I feel like I have been in Amanda's head for so long now! As some of you may know, this is my third series in Marchero Series. This book allowed me to fix all of my regrets and to properly, giving it a much better impact and reader experience.

and I already posted Laurenza's Story, 

The Flames of the Treacherous Night (Marchero Series #4)

To be more updated you can follow my social account.

Facebook: Avellazy
Twitter: Avellantos
Instagram: Avellantos

If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review or recommending it to a friend.

Thank you again for your support! and to my Vellas.

XOXO, Arabella.

🎉 Tapos mo nang basahin ang Tea of the Scandalous Nights (Marchero Series #3) 🎉
Tea of the Scandalous Nights (Marchero Series #3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon