chapter two

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'We used to be a very happy family, mom and dad loved each other to bits and they doted on me too. As an only child, I ate the yummiest food, taken on holidays and spoiled silly. Dad did the most for mom and made sure both she and I lacked nothing. I see how jealous other couples are, when they see them together. Because one look is enough to guess just how deep their affections ran.

But in as much as she loved her little family, Mimi always felt that it was somewhat incomplete. You see, she had never met any cousins, aunties, nephews, uncles or grandparents.  She sees how her school mates talk about visiting their extended families during school breaks and how much fun they had spending time with them. But she was often left out of the conversation. She remembered asking her mom why she had never met them and all her mom said was 'sweetie we only need daddy, he's the most important person in our lives. As for the rest, we have been doing well without them and will continue to in the future' at that time, she didn't fully understand the meaning of her words but after her father had left them eleven years ago, those words came back and she tried putting two and two together.

For her mother, her father was her whole word. Her life started and ended with him. Nothing else in the world except him. She remembered the horrible night when her colorful world turned grey in an instant, she was five years old. She had been woken up by the the frightening thunder and lightening, she had always been afraid of them. She sat on the bed waiting for either one of them to come pick her up and take her back to their bedroom. It was a normal routine now. But minutes pass by and no one was coming through the door. She had then covered her ears, kicked the covers and ran to her parents bedroom to sleep with them.  But strangely, they weren't there. Still covering her ears, she walked down the stairs just as she is about to step on the last one, another lightening strikes causing her to mistep and fall. She had screamed from both fear and pain. She tried getting up but she had twisted her ankles. She looked around the dark living room, she could barely see anything. She could hear the pit-a-pat of the rain hitting the windows with full force and the howling sound of the wind slamming, causing the windows to rattle and vibrate. Her face was a mess from the tears why wasn't anyone coming, she had screamed pretty loudly. why is no one coming to check on her. The more she thought,  the harder she cried. That was when she heard it; things hitting the wall breaking, her father's thunderous voice. It was the first time she had heard her father shouting like that

'I am leaving  you and that daughter of yours!!!'

'junior you can't do this to us please, don't you know how much I love you and how she dotes on you p-leas-e?'

She crawled poking her head, looking into the kitchen when the argument was coming from, a lightening struck and She sees her mother on her knees with a tear stained face desperately holding on to her father's leg pleading. There is a dead expression on his face he violently shoves her aside with his legs she's clinging to causing her to loose her balance and fall. He turns sneers at her and spits at her before turning around walking out of the kitchen. He sees her sitting on the floor holding on to her legs, another lightening struck and she could see from the light it provided how irritated he looked. Also, there was a burning hatred in his eyes. And without another word he had disappeared into the darkness and before long he had his bags and, he was out the door. Her mom ran after him but it was useless because he NEVER looked back.

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