chapter nine

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She was cleaned up, fed and sleeping on Rob's bed. Her injuries had also been treated and covered up with plasters. She looked so pale and as pitiful as a mutt left out on a rainy day.

Rob's expression was that of disgust, he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had only heard stories about kids being treated poorly by their guardians but he couldn't being himself to look at Mimi. Hearing things and seeing them with his own eyes were surely different.

"Are you sure she is alright? She's been out for almost seven hours now"

Rob said

"She must have been exhausted, she literally looked like a zombie when we first brought her"

Dio said

" I never thought I would meet a parent worse than your mom. (He sighs) at least she is just an alcoholic she doesn't physically abuse you guys"

Rob said

Dio's hands fists into a ball. He is clearly angry

"I don't understand why they bother giving birth to us if they hate us so much"

"They probably just need someone to dump all their shit on"

Adora says as she grabs a pack of popcorn from the kitchen cabinet settling herself on a couch as she eats. Robs looks at her, then at Dio

"At least both of you grew up well despite lack of motherly and fatherly affection. I am proud!"

He makes a thumbs up which sends them into fits of quiet laughter. Dio is stroking mimi's hair tentatively trying not to wake her up. Rob looks at them biting his lips before speaking

"But what do we do? Her mother should be back and if she doesn't see her home I bet all hell will break loose"

Dio looks at him then his sister

"There is no way in hell we are sending her back to that shit hole sis! Did you see where she's been locked up? It doesn't look like she was kept there for just a day! We absolutely cannot let her go back there!"

He finishes off as quietly as he could. Adora throws a popcorn in the air before catching it with her mouth. She heaves a sigh

"Calm your butt, here have some popcorn ( she walks to her brother with a handful of popcorn and shoves it in his mouth before he even had time to react. She turns and goes back to her seat) we don't know anything for now, we have to wait for her to wake up before making any decisions. No matter how much we love her, we cannot make decisions for her. After all, it's a family thing. It's all up to her whatever she wants to do. As friends, the only thing we can do is to support her decisions, whatever they may be. For now, we let her rest up!"

Dio looks at his sister like she's gone bonkers

"Are you telling me that we have to support her even if she wants to go back to that hell? There's no way i would let that happen"

His tone was so hostile. Rob understood where all that rage was coming from so he was just listening in assessing everything. Adora turns to her brother and for the first time ever, a very serious expression on her face

" D, I know you care for mimi so much but you've got to remember that no matter what, her mother is still her family and even though we know something's wrong, all we know is the surface. (She looks at her brother who still looks very much in rage. She takes in a deep breath) do you remember when neighbours got wind of our situation with mom and called for help which resulted in them trying to separate us from her? You had bawled your eyes out so much throwing tantrums saying that you didn't want to be apart from her. Do you remember? ( he nods) why did you make such a fuss, mom is an alcoholic who couldn't prepare a proper meal or take care of her kids instead we had to work to put food on the table, take care of her whenever she had panic attacks. We practically raised ourselves and mom but why did you object to going to live with other families and them sending mom away?"

" no matter what mom is still our mom. Those few minutes she is sober and alert, is usually warm. She is in so much pain from missing dad. I understand that she cannot cope being in a world without dad, so she drinks to create an illusion that he is still here. (He slowly realises) b-because-e t-the only way mom can relieve her sorrow and see dad is by being skunk drunk"

Rob smacks his thigh with his hands

"Exactly!!!. We don't know why mimi's mother acts like this, we aren't trying to understand her, we just want to help mimi so she can live like any other teenager her age and experience l the hood things life has to offer. (Rob sees that dio is still very much worried) besides her keeping mimi locked up for so many years only leads me to think that she's hiding her from the world. So even if she goes home and discovers mimi missing, she would not do anything because it looks like mimi is a secret that needs to be buried. So don't worry too much. We will help mimi, as much a s we can to live a happier life!"

Rob gives Dio a re-assuring smile. Dio finally calms down. They were both right. He looks down pitifully at a mimi who is starting to stir in her sleep. He withdraws his hands from her head and tries to move away but her eyes slowly opens


Her voice is weak, she tries to get up but her whole body is hurting dio immediately goes to her helping her up gently, careful not to touch her injuries

"Are you okay?"

He asks concerned. The others gather around them concerned too. She just shakes her head to answer Dio's question. Her eyes immediately goes to the clock on the wall. She looks worried

"Your mom should be back now and must be very worried, do you want us to take you home?"

Adora tells her

They all held their breath to hear her response

"Is it okay if we go somewhere else?"

They all exchanged looks surprised.

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

Rob asks

Mimi swallows, lips with small cuts and white as chalk. Her eyes had dark circles around them. They look like that of a panda.

"To look for my father"

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