chapter five

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"Well since I know you live here, how about we hang out together or are you busy?"

Adora asks
Before realising it, mimi shakes her head no

"Well then, it is settled, so you wanna come hang out with us? My baby brother and a few friends will be joining us"

Mimi's eyes grew,  has she just been invited to a party as soon as she just made a friend?? Everything was moving fast too fast that it made her heart race with both excitement and fear.  Adora stood up and walked to the door waiting on mimi to follow. She did slowly,  she is smiling at first but when she gets to the threshold of the door, a wave of panic and fear wash over her. Her hands starts shaking and her legs go numb. Without any warning, she drops to the floor, holding her neck trying to breathe. What the hell was wrong with her? Adora on the other hand hurries to her side, trying to get her attention but is unsucessful

"Hey take it easy "

She looks around and runs off, later she comes back with a nylon bag she shuffles the top of the bag out and holds it at the neck before shoving it in mimi's face and rubs her back. Almost immediately mimi throws up in the bag as Adora talks to her soothingly to breathe in and out slowly

"You good?"
    "How did you know what to do?" Mimi asks
Adora smiles
"My mom has one of those frequently so am pretty much used to it now"
     "One of those?" A weak mimi asks
"A panic attack, that's what you just had"

Was all mimi could manage to say. Adora helps her up to a couch close by she looks her over
"You sure you are okay?"
Mimi just nods unable to speak

"Do you think you would still be able to come with me?"

Just the thought of her walking through that door, caused her major distress. Mimi looks at legs, she really wants to go but her legs wouldn't buldge. Adora see's she is struggling so she decides to change subjects
"Okay.... (she relaxes on the couch) can you tell me alittle bit about yourself?"

    "Don't you have to go to your friend's? I don't want to keep you"

"It's okay, I still have a little bit of time anyway"

she smiles so sweetly that mimi wished she would never leave, she was starting to love and enjoy the company it's been too long since she had one

"So what do you want to know?"
       Mimi sighs thinking of what to say
"So as you know, my name is mimi and I am 16 years old"
Adora waits for her to continue but she says nothing else
"That's it?" She asks
"Yes what else?"
Adora laughs out laugh
"Where do you go to school, how many siblings have you got? What do your parents do? What's your favorite thing to do, hobbies what kind of music, movies boys you like?"
   "That's a lot of questions"
"They are just simple 'get to know you' questions".

Mimi sighs

"I am homeschooled, an only child, my mom works as a paralegal at collosium lawfirm. Um.... I haven't really tried another of things to know what my favorite thing is, but for now, I could say its reading books ( Adora makes a face that seem to say 'you can't be serious') my hobbies are thesame, like I said I haven't really tried much so my hobbies are studying and pr... (it seems like she's about to say something, but suddenly decides against it) I love afrobeats they are my favourite type of music, um... I don't really watch movies so I don't have a favorite and for boys I... (she looks at a hopeful Adora) don't know ( she rushes the word, speaking through clenched teeth that one could barely hear her) Adora rolls her eyes from frustration.

"Girl you have not been living under a rock! How does your hobby and favorite things to do consist of studying. You don't watch movies, I am at least so happy that you listen to music as for boys don't tell me you've never had a boyfriend?"

Mimi avoids her gaze, embarrassed by the question  which catches Adora's attention

"You..." Adora's phone buzzes she excuses her self and goes out of the house to picks up, after few minutes, she comes in

"Mimi, it's been interesting hanging with you, I have to go now, my brother and friends are waiting for me. (She sees mimi's face fall) if you don't mind, can you give me your mobile number? We can keep in touch"

Mimi scratches her head
"I...d-dont have one-e"
Adora's eyes grows she looks her over again with fascinating interest.
"You know what? You are starting to pique my interest and that usually isn't easy. (She sighs)... this is your house correct? ( mimi nods 'yes') then I can come see you here next time?"

At that, Mimi stands with a start fear in her eyes

"ah..... uhm....
If you want to see me, you can come same time like today and bring your thing to open the door" 

she finished breathy.... she couldn't believe she just encouraged a stranger to break into her house on her next visit. This sent Adora into fits of laugh, she smiles smugly at mimi

"Okay then see you next time"

As she leaves,  she locks the door, same way she met it before breaking into the house. One thing was for sure mimi is being locked up for some reason and from what mimi has said about herself, she's got a pretty rough idea of it all.  She certainly was one interesting girl and she is determined to get to the bottom of  what her deal is....

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