chapter three

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Apologies for the late upload guys!!! Been busy recently. Anyway hope you continue enjoying this story, thank you!!!!

Warning: suicide is used to describe events going on in the story so reader discretion is advised. Please if you know or are having suicidal thoughts, do call the relevant numbers in your place of residence...... you are important and thats why you are here to make a difference ❤

After her father had left, things had gone out of control. Her mother fell into a deep depression. She cared for nothing or no one. She missed out on classes in school for a year. That was when those maternal relatives she had never seen started showing up all of a sudden. Especially the aunties, they would bring cooked meals so that they could eat and keep on living. At first she welcomed this as an act of kindness, because when they are around, she could go to school and be with her friends again. but she soon got to understand that under all that 'kindness' was a whole can of worms. The only reason they keep them fed, was to keep them alive so they could keeping taunting them, and use them as an example to other people especially her mother. She had even woken up to her mother attempting suicide, she had taken pills. Panicked not knowing what to do, she called the aunts who quickly rushed over, instead of quickly rushing her mom to the hospital, they were busy taking pictures of her limp body lying haggard on the bed and laughing before finally taking her to the hospital. The news and pictures spread everywhere in the neighbourhood that her mom had attempted to kill herself. She couldn't attend school anymore, the whole neighbourhood and people who had been jealous of her mom's relationship, started whispering behind her back anytime any of them was out and about. So many speculations on the reason her father sudden left were everywhere, different versions with each worse than the previous. It became obvious that they couldn't keep staying there anymore so they moved.

Her mother became paranoid after they had moved she always felt like people would 'KNOW' and talk about her so she instead of sending her to school, kept her home and homeschooled her instead. Since then, she was not allowed to step out of the house. Always indoors. Their neighbours didn't know of her existence and assumed her mother is a spinster. Things became worse when her mother joined a religious group. On the outside, she seemed like a committed Christian but mimi knew deep down her mom was mentally unwell, she became this way because she is paranoid that people would find out that her husband abandoned her and the reasons he did so. Hence her being the way she is now. She still didn't know the reason why her dad decided to leave that night. And so her life was limited to the four corners of the house. She never stepped foot outside, she could only look at the outside world from her windows and even at that, she can't indulge in it because when her mother noticed, she put up tinted windows around the house so she couldn't see much. She says the world outside is rotten and would infect her leading her down to hell. No TV, radio or phone. Everything needed in the house was provided by her mother. So all she had to do was study her books and bibles all day eat and bath when necessary. But thankfully, she had snuck her mother's old mobile phone and found an old earpiece as well when they moved so she had kept it hidden. If her mother found out, she would go crazy on her. She always knew there was more to life but she had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, shw wants to experience how the world out there worked. on the other, she was terrified that her mother was right. The world out there was indeed evil. She had often heard from her mother's phone calls how people are being killed everyday and it scared her. But nobody could predict what happened next because that incident, completely changed her life forever!......

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