chapter ten

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Warning!!! Reader discretion advised. Suitable for audience 16 and above

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just looked at her

"Are you sure?" Adora asks
Mimi nods that she is

"But first, I need to get back into that house I have a photo of him in my room"

The others are hesitant, but seeing how desperate she looked at them, they finally agreed. She told them when her mother would less likely be home so they hatched a plan to get in and out of the house as quickly as possible.

The next day, they arrived at her house when she was sure her mother would be at work but for safety reasons, they look around and make sure that she really wasn't home before Adora opens the door with her skills. Mimi quickly gets into the house with Adora while Rob and Dio kept watch outside.

What they saw inside was alarming. The sofa's were torn up with the cotton pieces inside it scattered everywhere the center and dining tables broken and turned upside down, the wall had scratches, scoff marks, small and huge cracks. there was even a finger nail stuck to the wall they looked around in horror as they made their way through splints from the damaged chairs and tables. The light bulb is pulled hanging off and taking parts of the ceiling with it. There were broken plates and glasses littered on the ground as they walked to the kitchen area. It was a disaster. she quickly ran up to her room  the door to her room is caved in broken on the ground her bed broken, books littered about and torn. clothes shredded to pieces laying on the floor. The tears just rolls freely down her eyes. The image of these things were distressing especially her room. Everything was destroyed in such a disturbing manner! Adora's footsteps jolts her

"Hurry up we need to get out of -"

She stops when she sees the state of her room

"Here, omg!!"

Mimi immediately goes pulling and moving a way the broken stuff on the ground adora joins and helps her

"Here help me move this"

She held up what used to be the board head of her bed, adora helped her hold and get it out of the way. Mimi desperately move the rest things away and finally smiles when the floorboard is visible.  She looks around searching for something

"What are you looking for? " adora asks her but she just went on looking around, eventually, she picked up an iron rod that has fallen off her wardrobe. She puts it between the crack on the floor tile and pulls it up. The floorboard  comes up and she smiles. Inside, she pulls out an old shoe box

"Let's go i have got it!"

Adora nods and they leave. Back at the living room, Rob and dio are  looking at the dreadful state of the room. Their faces show how  unnerving the whole situation was

"Girls did you get it?" Dio asks

They both nod

"Then let's get out of here! It's terrifying" dio continued

They leave the house. Back at Rob's place, she opens the box.  inside, was a picture of herself, mom and dad from around ten years ago when they went on one of their trips at a water park. They were all smiley and happy. The others gather round her as she keeps sniffing with tears slipping down her eyes.

"Wow you all look so happy" adora says

"Who would believe that this is same woman? She looks beautiful, healthy and well... pardon my words normal here" dio analyses

Rob scoots closer and squints his eyes looking at the picture

"Well we were very happy back then, my dad would do anything for us and they both doted on me so much" mimi speaks, her voice breaking

"it's so obvious! the love they have for you in this picture i)s radiating"

"Wow dio you speak so well these days"

"Perks of having a looney big sister like you"

Adora smacks his head
"Ow! (Looks at rob who is looking at the picture intensely) what do keep looking at? Is there something we missed?"

"Its not that, but she is strangely familiar. I feel like I have seen her but I can't remember where. Mimi that is your mother right?"

Mimi nods and dio scoffs

"What are you talking about. How can you possibly know her mom. From the best of my knowledge, you don't like people well except for us"

The chuckles in the air relieved the seriousness from Rob's statement

"Maybe i am mistaken?" Rob scratches his head

"I think your brain is lacking some vitamin 'p' maybe go watch some porn to help stimulate them better"

this time, its Rob who smacks dio

"Aww that hurts"

"As it should" adora shakes her head at her brother

" what did I say so wrong. He has loads of collection anyway, even as far back as the 70's and 80's. Its basically his hobby"

This time, robs stands and as soon as dio sees him, he jumps out of the couch running away.

"They will never grow up" adora says to mimi who is just looking at them smiling silly. These days she finds herself smiling more and more, she wouldn't have believed it if any one had told her that she would ever be this happy to smile from ear to ear. But here she was, friends, laughter and experiencing new things. She couldn't ask for more, she stands up and everyone stops what they are doing

"Guys I really don't deserve you all (squeaky voice ) but I don't ever regret meeting each of you. I am so grateful and beyond blessed to have you as my friends. (Wipes her tears) any way I just wanted to say that"

"So cheesy and cute" adora says as she goes to hug her and the others joined

"We'll help you find your father no matter what. First tell me his name"

Mimi tells rob her father's name and he immediately brings out his laptop connects his phone data to the laptop and goes on to Facebook

"These days, to find people, the first point of contact is Facebook. Over ninty per cent of the people on there use their real names so its easy to find. (Clanks on  the keyboard) and viola!! I think I found him. (They all huddled around Rob) wow... its mostly pictures of his kids and wife (scrolling) school, playground, restaurant, picnic, travel holidays, beach, wow there's barely any photos of him" He keeps scrolling

"Wait!" (Dio yelps) "scroll back" rob does

"Right there!"  He points there is a picture of her father's wife standing in a white gown inside what looks like a hospital ward, smiling and holding a patients hand

"What are we looking at?" Asked adora

"The gown"

"So how is it going to help us?"

"My dear sister it's clear now that you have the brawns and I have the brains in our family. The gown she has on, has the hospital logo embrioded on the pocket. The logo can tell us which hospital she works at. Rob can you enlarge the screen please?"

Rob does and dio scans it. He brings up his phone there's an app already open. He takes a picture of the logo the app does its thing and few minutes later he screams

"Found it! I have found the name of the hospital!"

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