chapter twelve

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Sorry guys for the late update!!! It's been a hectic week. But I'll try to keep things updated as soon as I can. Thank you once again for your kind words and support!!!

This chapter mentions strong language and a bit of profanity so reader discretion is advised. Suitable for ages 16 and above!!!

"Daddy what are you saying?"

She flew up to her feet. Her father stood up and held her. She was shaking there was fear in her eyes. 

"No! No!! No!!! It's not true... (she holds on tight to her father looking him straight in the eyes as the tears flowed freely) please tell me this is not true!"

She was slowly going out of her mind. She desperately searched his eyes hoping on all things for this scene playing out in front of her to be a dream. She steps back from her father's hold. with shaky hands, she slaps herself across the cheek several times yelling at herself to wake up from  the nightmare. Her father sees this and he couldn't hold back his grief. He immediately goes to embrace her even when she tries to push him off

"It's alright. Take a deep breath" (he wipes her tears off and walks her back to the sofa) "here sit down" (she sits, still sobbing. Her father cleans her eyes. She could see her father's tears. her heart hurts seeing the pain on her father's face. Her hands go up slowly wiping his tears stained face) "I am so sorry mimi, this is all my fault. I didn't think that my actions then would bring such consequences now." (He takes her hands) "please can you find it in your heart to forgive a foolish old man's decision?"

Mimi just nods her head yes  almost immediately. Bringing a smile to his face.

"I want you to know that I never stopped caring for you, I regretted leaving you and your mother like that. After I married my wife, I found out that your mother and you had moved houses but I didn't know how to approach her. But I kept a watch on her but I never saw you"

She knew there was something more to it. She knew her mother well enough and she's seen her acting weird. some times, she easily gets irritated and takes it out on her even though she had done nothing to her to act out the way she does. Now all she wanted was the truth and nothing more. She was tired of not knowing anything. She just wants a very normal life like other teenagers out there.

"Daddy i want you to be very honest with me. Don't keep anything from me. O want to know the whole truth. I think I am entitled to know and mature enough to handle it"

" sure you are, you've grown up so well despite everything" her father strokes her head

"Promise me that you wouldn't keep anything from me no matter how hard you think it is."

He could see how serious her face turned when she looked at him waiting for him to give her an answer

"Sure" he replied "I promise"

"Do you know who my real father is?"

She could see he was hesitating

"You promised me"

He sighs. She could see he was struggling to answer. The quietness in the room became too loud, her patience was running thin


He sighs again before replying her "I am really sorry mimi but I have no idea who your biological father is"

She searches his face, there were no indications that he was lieing to her.

"But you do know something right?" She always felt that there was something when her aunts accused her mother of sleeping around back then, she never rebutted it. Instead the fire cracker of a mom  she knew would suddenly turn into a scaredy cat. She really needed something. Anything that would point her to the right direction. There were so many questions in her head. 'Does her  biological father even know she exists or did he just abandon herself and her mother? Why was her mother so afraid to loose her father and so desperate to keep him with them?. Growing up, she had heard and seen what people had to say and how they treated herself and her mother. Even her mothers relatives. They pretended to love them but in reality, they said mean and condescending things at her mother. Why was her mother hated so much that they had to do those things to her, forcing them to move and why were her aunties so mean to them. It wasn't just 'JEALOUSY' she knew there had to be something more. What was he not telling her

"Please dad", she held his hands pleading desperately with her eyes "tell me what you know"
She holds her breath waiting for it and then there's a knock on the door

"Yes! Come in!!"
The gateman walks in

"Pardon me sir, but there are some teenagers loitering outside the house for a while. I-"

"three of them a girl and two boys?" She cuts in interrupting him. He nods his head yes

"Oh they must be my friends. They were asleep when I came in". She turns to her dad " if you don't mind is it okay to let them in? They have really helped me alot"

"If they are your friends, off course they can come in" he answered. She smiles at him, stands and follows the gateman outside. The gate man is just about to open the gate when she overhears Rob's voice

"Guys its her right? That's mimi's mother see i wasn't lieing when I said I recognised her"

mimi stops the gateman from moving, putting her index fingers to her lips indicating to him to stay quiet

"Rob, make sure you delete those videos. Mimi must never see them " that was Adora's voice

"Both of you keep your voices down or better still get a megaphone to announce it jeez!!. Rob just delete the video. I don't think if mimi sees this, she can handle it!"

As soon as mimi heard that, she rushes out running towards an unsuspecting Rob. Grabs his phone before he had time to react, she plays the video he was just about to delete and the contents sent waves of shocks
'W-w-what was-s-s  t-t-that? T-t-that couldnt-t possibly be her m-m-mother in the v-v-video' she thought. She quickly went back and read through the text between Rob and a friend. Rob had sent her mothers picture cropped from the family picture she had shown them

'Bro do you recognise her?' Rob sends
'Bro isn't this Sheila from Big Jack off? Broo omg!!! Where did you get this picture she's changed alot I almost didn't recognise her if not for the birthmark on her neck!' He sends the video she had watched earlier 'see, wooow do you know her personally? Bro I would love to meet her  she had the best c*** sucking game in the industry then. Wonder what happened to her she just fell out of the spotlight! Bro this is huge! Everyone's been wondering what happened to her maybe we can find out! I miss her round luscious a** on my TV screen damn! You've got to hook me up Bro. Infact am going to watch all her videos from back in the day starting tonight.  You just reminded me of all her charms. she was by far my favourite. Hook me up bro I would love to get drowned in her p**** if she still does the business'.

She couldn't believe what she had seen and read.  Her friends just stood not knowing what to do or how to act. She tried to swallow but she felt a bitter bile rise to her throat. She looked around looking for where to get it out. She starts feeling dizzy as she takes a step. She tries to shake her head to get her self back but her vision gets blurry and she just couldn't breathe. Battling to keep herself walking while holding her chest as she struggled to breathe, soon she was puffing and huffing without even realising it. She could hear faint voices in the background. Voices she thinks belongs to her friends but she couldn't make out a word of what they were saying. She was losing control of her body. She felt herself dropping to the ground and her body go limp and just then it was all darkness............

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