chapter thirteen

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She opens her eyes. They are blurry and there's an influx of strong light in her eyes. She slowly lifts her hand to block out the light. She squints her eyes and slowly tries to get up but she felt a sharp pain from her left leg. She whimpers and holds on to the bed for support. She blinks her eyes severally trying to get used to her environment. She pushes her self up into a sitting position. Few seconds and her sight was coming back. She looks around the room there's an IV in her arm, on the side of the bed is Adora's head fast asleep. She's wearing a hospital gown, but she feels hot. with her free hand, she moves the cover off her body careful not to wake Adora. Her whole left leg is neatly bandaged, with a pillow underneath for support. She squirms uncomfortable at how sweaty she felt. Judging from the light flooding in through the window, it was likely high noon. She holds her head trying to recall the events from before. Her mind trailed back to yesterday, and all the flashback starts pouring in. From learning that her father wasn't her biological father, to her mother being an adult entertainer whom probably almost the whole country knew to her mothers mental state. She relaxed into the headboard of the bed mentally and physically drained. Literally, what has her life turned into? Her mind keeps spinning, so its true her mother was sleeping around, it wasn't a way to insult them but they were actually speaking the truth. The truth that Adult entertainment was her mothers job. A side of her mother she never knew existed 'Sheila from Big Jack off' who exactly are you? She just couldn't believe that was her mother she saw in those videos and that's how people speak about her mother. Adora stirs in her sleep switching the position of head bringing her left hand to support her head. In her hand was her cellphone. Mimi skillfully picked her fingers one after the other off the mobile. She immediately goes to the internet to find out about this 'sheila'. She should have known better going on the Internet was a very bad idea. The pictures, videos, clips, posters everything was nauseating. She just couldn't stand it anymore especially as everyone is curious to know why she suddenly left the adult industry. There were many speculations, some thought she married a rich man and just fell out, some thought she contracted a disease and is living miserably, some thought she was dead, wished and prayed for her death, some thought she got pregnant. There were lots of disgusting comments about her online even those who praised her for her 'bravery' being in the industry only did that because they admired her mother's body and the obscene videos. It's no wonder her mother had turned out the way she did. She did all that to hide her past. A past she was very much ashamed off  one that she reminds her off everytime her mother looks at her, no matter how much she wanted to forget. She suddenly felt nauseous. She flung her right leg out of the bed while holding her mouth with her right hand. The jolt wakes Adora who immediately grabs a flower pot removing the flowers, she puts the pot under her mouth and she pukes in it.

"Are you okay?"

Adora asks giving her a glass of water and rubs her back as she finishes. Mimi nods. Adora takes the pot to get rid of the contents. When she gets back, mimi gives her a tired smile.

"Thank you so much"

"Common what are friends for"

Adora gives her a bright smile and holds her hands patting it looking at her really concerned

"Mimi, are you really okay?"

Mimi nods her head as she licks her lips. She knew everyone was worried about what happened yesterday, but there was one person she wanted to talk to

"Adora, I want to speak to my dad, can you help me please?"

"Sure, he's been waiting for you to wake up. He's been by your side and wouldn't leave. If not for the intervention of Rob, Dio and Dr Bukky, he would still be here in your room. But he refused to leave the hospital. Dr Bukky gave him a sedative to force him to sleep since he was being too stubborn. But he was very much worried about you and insisted on being in the hospital because he wanted to be there as soon as you woke up. In fact, everyone is worried about you. But I'll go get your dad first, he should be awake now. I'll also tell the others that you are awake"

Mimi smiled gratefully as Adora exited the room.  It wasn't up to a minute after she left and her father charged into the room running towards her, arms outstretched. In just less than a day, he had aged so much. He looked really haggard. Before she could say anything, he had scooped her tiny frame in a big, warm hug, sniffing and voice-breaking

"Thank you,  oh God! Thank you Mimi for coming back to us."

He hugged her so tight she could barely breathe

"D-dad c-ca-c-cant-t bre-e-the"

Her father immediately releases her, looking her over, obviously panicking

"ooh, I am sorry I forgot (they both chuckle, and she cleans his tears) dis I hurt you?"

"No, am alright now you don't have to worry"

"how can I not worry?" You've been in a coma for the past two days."

She blinked for two days??? So she's been in the hospital for two days?

"I don't know what I would have done if anything were to happen to you", her father continued

"Dad, what do you mean two days, wasn't I brought in here yesterday?"

His eyes were sad. He takes her hands

"Actually, you passed out two days ago and hurt your leg when you fell. You wouldn't wake up, and I was so scared. According to the doctor, you suffered a stroke from acute stress. So please, i want you just to recover and not think of anything else, please."

Even though she understood where he was coming from, she wanted to put an end to everything and start her life afresh. She held his hands

"I understand that you are worried about me but am not that little girl anymore. I know the truth now; I understand why Mother is the way she is. This was none of her fault, and  I get that. Instead, I feel so sad for her (the tears hot on her cheeks she couldn't imagine how much pain her mother must have felt having to look at her face every day). Mom must have gone through a lot it's probably why she didn't say anything concerning the pregnancy with me. So many people hated and insulted her based on her life she must have been trying to get her life straight for my sake so people wouldn't point fingers at me and call me names just like how they did her. All she did was to protect me, her child, because she probably doesn't even know who my biological father is. If she says you are my father, I would have a respectable life. If only I understood her then and just stayed put, maybe things would have been different. Dad, could you please forgive Mom for all the pain and stress she's put you through? I know she moved us here because she traced you and found you were living in the same city, and I know she's come to find you repeatedly. Can you please forgive us, Dad, please?"

She pleaded desperately as the tears flowed. Her father shook his head, holding her hands desperately, tears falling down his cheeks

"There's nothing to forgive; it's not time to think about these things now, I love you and still care for your mother.  I just realised things too late but I'll be by your side no matter what, okay?"

He hugs her tight, afraid to let her go

"You have really grown beyond your age. With everything that's happened, you still forgive and ask for forgiveness; you still understand everything without getting mad and pushing blame. You are better at being an adult than the rest of us."

They sobbed together as they leaned on each other for support. Not sure how many minutes passed by as they cried, their faces were a mess with snort coming out their nose and their faces stained with tears, but they finally calmed down

"Dad, I want to see her......"

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