chapter six

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It's been a week since her encounter with Adora. She had been expecting her to drop by but she never did. Every day after her mom goes to work, she stays by the window hoping that she would see her again

Meanwhile, her mother had noticed that for the past week, mi.i had been acting weird. More like she was livelier than usual always smiling at nothing and looked like she was deep in thought.  There was definitely something different about her but she just couldn't put her hands on what it was and THAT fact bothered her so much. She had sneaked into her room while she was sleeping at night and searched through all her stuff quietly. She was so sure that her daughter was hiding things from her and if that were true, it was the beginning of an impending disaster. She had been feeling very uneasy since the change in character, Better to avoid what ever it is now. But she couldn't find anything to suggest  otherwise. Maybe she really was just over thinking the whole situation.

On the other hand, mimi had noticed that her mother had become suspicious of her since the night she had snuck in thinking she was sound asleep to search. Thankfully, she was aware of the kind of mother she had. She had literally been living cautiously anything to keep her away from the repentance room. Since that night, she had made it a point of note to be mindful of her expression and actions around her mother, to douse any suspicions.

Its a bright afternoon she had given up all hopes of eve seeing Adora again. It really tore at her because she had felt that with Adora, she had made a connection to the outside world. Everything about Adora intrigued her and everyday, her desire to see the outside world grew. She knew she shouldn't be having thoughts if ever leaving the house but she just couldn't help the way she felt. So much so that she was ready to risk being the repentance room if she could just take a peek on what makes Adora such a refined, independent energetic teenager. A knock distracts her she flies to her feet heart racing
'Could that be....' ?
She took a deep breath and slowly walks to the window pulling the curtain slightly afraid

"Mimi you in there? It's Adora am going to let myself in"

There's a little rattle and the door opens Adora is standing there gorgeous as always she had this peach colored mini strapless dress with white sock and black sneakers, a white crop jean jacket and a black fluffy bucket hat. Her weave long and black she was stunning in every way. She wonders when she'll be able to wear stunning colors like her


She shakes her. Mimi comes back to reality

"Is everything okay? You look a little out of it"?

Mimi blinks severally regaining her composure  before nodding her head

"I was saying this is my baby brother Dio hope you don't mind, I let him tag along he wouldn't stop bothering me"

She turns to see a good looking young man in an all black fit. Her heart beat went crazy and she felt her face go hot. He was crazy handsome with  the black hoodie which he had over his head, a black ripped jean and a black and white sneakers. He had a strikingly beautiful face with a sharp jawline, thin nose, small eyes and pretty lips, honestly, he looks so much like Adora. She looks at him her excitement turning into confusion because he looks like he is in thesame age range as they both were.
Clearly, Dio caught her confusion

"Hi (arms stretched out) my name's Dio, Adora's twin younger brother by half a minute. Ignore the baby thing it's just her way of wanting to feel like an older sister  my apologies"

That statement was costly because it earned him a smacking from adora at the back side of his head with Adora grining  in satisfaction at the  annoyed expression on his face. She slowly takes his hands at Adora's urging. She felt like her heart was going to burst right out of her chest. She quickly withdrew her hand causing a confused started from Dio.
Mimi has a  worried look at what was happening and the siblings realised because Adora quickly took her hands and explains to her

"Common, wipe that serious look off your face. His brain has already been damaged since birth. Don't worry it can't get much worse than this trust me"

That sent an even bigger wave of panic through her, because she was shaking at this point

"Hey calm down, am just teasing you. His head is as hard as a rock. He won't easily go stupid from one hit"

She looks at him and he nods assuring her that he was okay

"Anyway, we were going to a party and I thought you would like to join us. Think you are up for it?"
She looks at both of them beautifully dressed and looking so good she pulls on the sides of her maxi khaki dress with her hands anxious. She looks at Adora who is looking back at her expectantly she bites her lips. Whats the point of going she would just look out of place with her medieval style and sense of dressing. There was no point going there what if she ruins everyone's mood and they saw her as weird. She slowly steps away from the siblings. But Dio steps in her way and gifts her with the most beautiful smile she had ever seen

"Mimi, i would love it if you can accompany us. Its just going to be me, you, Rob and my sister so you don't have to think too much about it. Just come hang with us and I promise you, I will show you a good time"
He stretches his hands towards her waiting patiently for her to take them, with an encouraging smile

"And I promise we will be sure to bring you home safe and sound when you are ready to come back".

She bites her lips looking from one sibling to the other as they gave encouraging nods. She turns to Dio her heart beating fast she couldn't tell if it was from fear, excitement or from HIM she walks forward slowly and takes his hand....

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