chapter eleven

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Warning!! Suitable for ages 16 and above. Readers discretion advised!

Thankfully, someone had commented her name in the picture 'Dr Bukky'. They checked the location on Google maps it was about an hour thirty minutes drive from where they were. She was honestly so surprised that her mother had moved them, to a city where her father lived with his family after everything they had gone through previously.

They arrive at the hospital just a little past mid-noon. they go to the reception and asking about Dr Bukky. They were asked if they had an appointment with her but they said no. They asked if it was possible to see her but the receptionist checked to see if she was available. Unfortunately, she wasn't. instead, they were advised to get an appointment. As she spoke to them, A doctor walked past she looked familiar. The receptionist greeted her as 'Dr Bukky'. They looked at the photo and then her. It was indeed her!

Back in Rob's car, they waited. They had no idea when she finishes from work but they didn't mind the wait. Mimi was apprehensive and excited at thesame time. Her friends notice and try to comfort her. They waited for an hour before they see her walking to her car. She isn't wearing the gown so they assume her shift must be over and she may be going home. So they follow her stealthily behind.

They had driven for about half thirty-minutes, before they found themselves in a huge gated estate. They followed her in as far back as they could manage. When they notice her stopping in one if the buildings, they park their car and just watch the gates open and she drives in. Must be where she lives mimi thought. They decided to wait a while and if she doesn't come out, then she would go knock on the door. Rob puts his wireless headphone doing his thing, Dio is playing games on his phone, Adora said she wanted to close her eyes for a bit, so she was left with her thoughts.

She just couldn't stop how badly her body shook. No matter how much she tried to put up a brave face before her friends, her nerves were still on edge and it was showing. She was so pale and she had to constantly keep pinching her hands with her fingernails when she felt she wouldn't be able to stop her self from shivering.

Another hour pass, she looks at them they had all fallen asleep. She felt so sorry that they were going through this because of her. Maybe now is the good time to go and knock. at least now, the pressure isn't that huge no one was watching her. As soon a s she stepped out of the car, she felt nauseous. She immediately found a gutter nearby and quickly let it out. Everything came from her mouth to the gutter and when she was done, she was feeling better and lighter. She cleans off her mouth and sets off to the apartment. Getting to the gate, she is about to knock but hesitates.

'What if her father doesn't want to see her or she ends up ruining his happiness with his new wife'?

She remembered the last images he had of her father that irritated look and burning hatred in his eyes. She would never forget them not in a million years. She turned her back and is bout to walk back to the car and tell her friends that she didn't want to go in there but she stops halfway. 'What us she thinking? She's sacrificed everything even her mothers love toncome this far, not only that, her friends had done everything within their power to help her. When she is so close how can she become a coward?. She had lived the past ten years in misery and pain and she would like to know why she had to go through all that. She pushes the bell to the gate. A gate man opens the gate and asks her who she was looking for she called her daddy's name. The gate man looks at her then tells her to hang on. He closes the gate and she hears his footsteps retracting. After few minutes, the gate opens she could see the big shock on his face

"Mimi?" Is that really you? Before she could blink twice, he had already scooped her up in his arms, swirling her around in a big cuddly embrace. This left her speechless and rigid, what was going on? Her father whom she remembered, wasn't this warm hearted

" why are you just standing there come in come in!!!"

He pushed her into the house, inside, she could see the wife and the two girls. they were age six and seven. They were looking up at her smiling sweetly. Dr Bukky stands up and helps her to seat

"Welcome to our home, we have been waiting for you"
She looks around super confused. The two girls go over to give her a warm hug, and kisses on the cheeks warm tears flowed. What was happening? She didn't deserve this! Why were they being nice to her. It was like they were waiting for her to come to them. Her father comes to knee before her wiping the tears off her face then holds her small hands in his

" am so glad to have you here now I can properly apologise for leaving you and your mom. I regret my actions of that day everyday and I haven't had a good night's sleep since that day. Would you be able to forgive the foolishness of this old man?"

She sniffs and quickly picks him off his feet shaking her head 'yes' unable to speak she hugs him. The wife and kids joins. After they were settled, Dr bukky took the girls out so she could talk to her dad.

" my you have grown into such a pretty lady. What class are you in now" he asks

A little pause from her " am... home schooled" she chewed on her inner cheek not wanting to meet his eyes she was afraid she would see pity in them. She didn't want him to feel pity for her
"Mother, has been teaching me. She's done such a fine job! You don't have to be sorry, she's done really well"

There's an uncomfortable silence before he speaks

" mimi, your mother...... she... is... sick, she needs immediate medical attention"

She turned to him her face pale
"What, what's wrong with her?" Her father scoots closer to her taking her hand

"Listen, your mom is sick in the um mind, she must have been stressed and I don't think she is capable of looking for you, so we need to check her into a facility that would help her"

Atlas! She withdraws her hands instantly, although she had long suspected it, but she still wasn't ready to accept it "No! No!! She is... fine"
Her father holds her and helps her seat back down

" mimi, your mother isn't fine. I saw your house yesterday she called me very angry and threatening to kill you both. When I got there, she had destroyed everything! It was horrifying I um also saw the room the marks there tell me you've been locked there too many times. I am sorry love but your mother needs to be institutionalised. I found her on the ground different pills scattered around her. she had attempted to kill her..."

"What?! Where is she? Is she okay?"

He held her hand "she is okay now, Bukky and her colleague had to pump her stomach yesterday. If I had found her a minute later, we would have lost her. But she is fine now. She is in the ICU at the hospital Bukky works at. I will drive you there personally this evening to see her"

She felt sorry, this was all her fault. Why did she have to be stubborn and insistent on living her life. Why was she selfish? she thought

"Did she try to kill herself because of me? Because I left home?"

"This is not your fault mimi, do not blame yourself, none of us wanted or knew this would happen".

"Why did you leave us daddy, what was the reason you stormed out of the house in the rain so angry. I want the truth please!"
He nods his head and sighs deeply he had been waiting for this days since the past years

"Mimi you will always be my daughter no matter what I want you to know that, now the reason I had left back then, was because I learned that your mother had been lying to me. I..... found out that (a deep breath) I wasn't your biological father"!

She felt like blocks of ice had been poured on her!

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