Meeting Baymax. Tadashi x reader

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I hope you all liked my first one shot! There hasn't been a request yet so I just came up with this myself. I'll probably post another one shot today because I'm sick...and yeah, I feel like crap. So I hope you enjoy this one shot.

"And why is it that you want me to come to the university this early in the morning?" you ask your best friend Tadashi. You were very annoyed that Tadashi, not only called you at the god forsaking hour of 6:30 a.m., he also wanted you to come to STIF.

"Because!" Tadashi replies, "I have something to show you! This'll help so many people! Just come soon!" You sigh as you pull on your (f/c) shoes on. You stand and stretch.

"Okay, okay." You sigh again, "I'll be there soon. See you in a bit, bye."

You hang up the phone and look out the window. The sun is still rising, causing the sky to look orange and pink, along with blue. You roll your eyes. Tadashi doesn't understand the importance of sleep.

"Mom!" You call when you reach the door, "I'm going to the university, I'll be back later!"

You hear a tired 'okay' respond and exit the house.

When you finally reach STIF, the sun was fully in the sky. You roll your eyes once again as you open the door.

"Hey Tadashi." You smile, tiredly at him.

"Finally! Come here!" he grabs your hands, pulling you to a corner where a red suit case sits. You blush when he doesn't let go of you. "Look! I finished Baymax!"

"Really? How long has it been, a year?" You at the small red box in wonder. This has been Tadashi's dream for a long time, the reason he was here at STIF.

"Eleven months and twelve days." The two of you laugh. "Want to see him?"

"Yes! Of course!" You jump up and down, causing him to let go of your hands. "How do you activate him?"

"Simple." Tadashi then, picks up some duct type, rolling up his sleve. He rips off a piece and puts it to his wrist, then pulls it off quickly and harshly. "Ow!" he cringes.

"Tadashi?! Why would you-" you're interupted by the sound similar to a ballon being blown up.

"Hello. Baymax. Your personal, healthcare assistant. Hello Tadashi, what seems to be the trouble?" The marshmellow robot climbs out of his suitcase and approaches you and Tadashi. "I will perform a scan for injuries." There was a pause. "Scan complete. A mild abrasion. Antibacterial spray to avoid irritation is recommended."

Baymax seems to pull the spray out of no where. He sprays it on the red mark, that has been made clear on Tadashi's arm.

"See? Cool huh?" Tadashi turns to you. You nod, smiling.

"Hello, nice to meet you (y/n) (l/n)." Baymax pats your head.

"You know my name?" You tilt your head.

"Tadashi talks to me about you when he works on me." You turn to Tadashi.

"You do?" His face glows a bright red.

"I-i-i...uh, I" You laugh and push his hat over his eyes.

"That's sweet Tadashi, now show mw what else Baymax can do!"

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