Merry Christmas [Hiro x Reader]

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Your laughter fills the room, a twinkling sound, as Hiro somehow manages to get his hands tangled in the Christmas tree lights. His brow furrows in concentration and embarrassment as he tries to wiggle his hands free from the decoration.
"How on earth did you manage to do that?" You ask, a laugh still evident in your voice as you reach over to help the younger Hamada.
He shrugs, a light red hue across his cheeks as his hands become untangled.
You smile fondly and take in his adorable appearance. Cass decided that it was sweater time for the both of you. These weren't ugly sweaters like you would think and they were warm. It was cold for San Fransokyo. Being in California, it wasn't cold all that often, but the crisp feeling in the air with a slight nip brought the Christmas feeling full swing. Hiro's sweater was a bit too big for him and it was bright red. Plain, but adorable.
"Looks like even geniuses have trouble with simple things. Like wrapping Christmas lights around a tree." you tease as you point you gaze at the tree, wrapping the lights around it.
Hiro, following you around the tree, pouts. "Hey. Tree lights are complicated."
You laugh again. Laughter never seemed to stop when you around Hiro. Happy feelings filling your chest at the thought, you smile to yourself as you finish.
"Want hot chocolate?" The young invented asks, already heading the kitchen as if knowing your answer.
"Yes please."

A few minutes later, you sit cross legged on the couch, sipping a warm mug of hot chocolate with Hiro at your side. His arm's casually over you shoulder and you can't help but lean into his side.
"Merry Christmas, Sweetheart." He grins with a childish twinkle in his eyes. "I love you"
"I love you too" you grin.

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