The Golden Cage

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Open your eyes
It's already sunrise
What should be the warmth
Of a thousand sunrays
Spreading in your chest
Must feel like cold stones
Spreading like the pest
You aren't beaming at all

"Why aren't you happy?"
"Why aren't you glad?"
"Why would my father be so sad?"

It's his daughter, it's his father
it's his mother, it's his wife
It's the whole world
Never ending
Clinging to him
Pressing his shoulders down

I learned in class the other day
Gravity varies from place to place
I wonder if it's people too?
Cause while some see rainbows
The others see doom
Does God choose the flying birds?
Does God curse you with
The Golden Cage?

I learned from father the other day
Life is but an endless race
They will rip your wings away
Replace them with the heaviest weight
The weight of desperate explaining
Your world views, your revelations
Your heaviest worries and your hottest

I learned from Emily the other day
"Hope is the thing with feathers"
Father, are you ripping my wings off too?
Just like your father did to you?
Why would you ever be so cruel?
Cold are the stones you are planting
in my heart
Hard are the chains wrapped around
My foot

"You don't understand, my daughter!
If I won't, they will do!"
It was so unfair
My friends fly freely in the air
''You have to face reality!"
Is it really filled with dishonesty?

Or are you painting my wings black
Closing the curtains
Locking me into your ironclad burdens
At last "de duro est ultima ferro"

I won't be tamed
Won't become as pale
Father, you always tell me
You know so much more
My grandfather tells you
He knows so much more
Will I ever tell my children
I Know So Much More?

We are the same after all
Chaining the next generation
With an iron wall
When they are small
They will still have room to fly
See rainbows, see sunshine
With growing age though
Something seems to fill up
That room
Is it worry, sorrow and rage?
Or is it just you?

You have become stronger too
Can't you break out of that
Damned room?
Shouldn't you know
What to do?

Instead you cursed me
Writing heavy hearted
in my dim lit
I fly around til I don't have

I learned from Taylor the other day
I could "punch a hole in the roof"
Only to find out
I never had to!
I believe in life
You just have to look up
Endless rainbows, sunshine and feathers
Await you

The chain around your faith
The Golden Cage
Were your tangled wings
And your nest that clings

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