New Year's Eve

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                        New Year's Eve
Is filled with Dreams
Or rather Greed

All prayers for Fortune and Fame
All resolutions for Discipline and Diets
Meaningless at the end of the day

For our goals are like fireworks
The journey up is tumultuous
Draining in the worst kind of way
Nobody sees our efforts
The Beauty along the ride
The strength it takes to fly so high
Because it doesn't matter
Not to everyone else
Not to even ourselves

Then we reach
Our destination
What we want to see
Is the sparkly end result
The glorious glow up
The two seconds of surprise

We will shine in the sky
Above the whole world
Admiration and pride
In colours never seen before

Though after the grand debut
Downfall follows, freezes us
"You lost your sparkle"
That's what they like to say

Soon the rush will be forgotten
"Make way!"
People turn their heads
To the new fireworks
Lighting up the moment

Don't be surprised
Don't grief either
Fireworks do not tend to last
Nothing can stay sparkly forever

The heat of the moment
Was indeed beautiful
But at what price?

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