The Bus drive

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In my dream
I stepped onto a bus
The bus driver smiled
Said He would take me
Anywhere I wanted

To my own Wonderland
Homeliest of Heavens
So I told him I desired
To go to Everything-Land
Where I could have it all

Never have to decide again
Could fulfill all my pleasures
Commit the sweetest sins

The ride was soothingly smooth
Saw my lover right there, too
We made up the time lost before
With sugar-coated hope galore

At our final destination
The air smelled of our favourite smells
Rain and clean bedsheets and Everything
Never would we have to work a day again
Anything available at a snap of our hands

So we lived on
For what we hoped would be eternity

But we got sick
Of Everything
Turns out it wasn't so great after all
After the hundredth rush of joy
Limitless freedom made us numb

We were joined by friends and family
By all beings to ever live
To no avail did they try
To pull us out of our misery

Wished for something to go wrong
Begged for pain and suffering
And soon we were joined
Millions of voices screaming in agony
Burned and sickened by sweet happiness

By the time the bus came again
Crowds fought to get in
Cramped in the suffocating space
Only one wish was left:
To go
Straight to Hell

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