Death Bed Wisdom

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I have lived, feels like an eternity
Saw some snapshots light will never meet
I felt some feelings the poets missed
Followed most rules, though with a twist

Please remember the quiet evenings
Your mother's meals, those smaller things
Please hold on, to your father's smile
Or your parents' peculiar sense of style

Share some jokes with new friends
Try some of the stupidest trends
Scream out your pain, loud and clear
Stay with the ones willing to hear

Forget the scale, the measurements
Those are life's most brief fulfillments
The money and that exhausting career?
Nothing compared to an ice-cold beer

Go for a swim on a hot summer day
Have you ever tried picnics in May?
Make so many strangers smile
Sometimes it's great to go the extra mile

The cheesy proposal, the tearful vow
Some of your favorite memories now
From drunk kid to feeding one
Look back and think you won

Never regret being young and naive
Always wear your heart on your sleeve
You're going to make it, just believe
And if you don't mind, I'll now leave

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