Mad Woman

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She used it
as an excuse,
for her mother was
a Mad Woman too

It was a lost case
with her father

She could see inside
her own soul
Seeing evil,seeing

The angel-winged
little girl
she once knew
Stopped growing with
her body
Before it was too late

What was left
disgusted her to the core
She doesn't want
to be this anymore

How could she change
something so deeply
Ingrained into her flesh?
Wishing she could open
her chest
and rip out
what was left
Or bleach her blood

Yet,nothing was left to do
Nobody can destroy
The very thing
they're made out of

So now, she will act innocent
Hiding the shadow of the devil
Inside her
Keeping him at bay

She wonders
if others could feel him

Or have they become one
with him?

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