Chapter One

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TW: Bullying and abuse. 

The punches wouldn't stop. They came from every direction. My whole body was on fire and I can't move. I can taste the metallic in my mouth. I can feel the bruises forming. 

Why me? 


"Mommy and Daddy can't help you now." 

"You deserve to be dead." 

They kept punching and kicking me until it became numb. I knew that I was going to pass out eventually. I felt a punch to the head and knew I'd give out. As my eyes closed, I saw Eren and Mikasa running towards me. 

Eren grabbed one of them and headbutted him. The bully didn't even fight back. Mikasa came from behind and kicked one in the balls. They saved me... Again. Why can't I fight back? Why am I so weak? 

"Hey! Armin! Stay with me, bud." 

I knew that was Eren. He was my savior and I'd be dead without him. 

Knowing I would be okay, I closed my eyes to end the pain. 


I opened my eyes to see a hospital bed. Did they bring me here? It must've been that bad. I looked around the room and saw Eren asleep on a chair. He looked so peaceful and beautiful. I wanted to be next to him and feel his warmth.  

I had a splitting headache and my body was sore. I examined my body and saw several bandages on my torso. I bet it was broken ribs and some bruises. I was hooked up to several machines and an oxygen mask. I was starting to panic because I didn't know how long it had been. I wanted to talk to Eren. He would know what happened and why I am here. The last thing I remember was him coming towards me. 

My breathing started to quicken as I fell into a slight panic. I tried to say something, but my voice was gone. 


I think he heard me because he woke up startled. 

"Armin, oh my god, you scared Mikasa and me so much. How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Are you hungry?" 

I tried to speak, but it hurt so bad. I started pulling at the oxygen mask to see if it helped. All that came out was a whisper.

"Wh- What happened? All I remember was pain and seeing you and Mikasa."

Eren sighed, "Those bullies came at you again. I wish I was closer 'cause I could've helped you. I'm so sorry." 

Oh. I forgot about the bullies. 

With barely any energy, I managed to croak, "How long have I been here?" 

Eren looked saddened by my question. 

"Only a few days." 

A few? Did they hurt me that bad?  I started to cry from the anger building up inside me. I let them win again. I can't keep being weak and I need to learn to fight for myself. Eren won't be here forever. 

"They messed you up. You have a few broken ribs and they gave you a severe concussion. The police are involved, thankfully. But on a good note, the nurse said that you could come home the day after you wake up." 

I was relieved to go home, but who would take care of me. Oh my god. Does Papa know? Has anyone called him? He was on a business trip. 

"Does Papa know?"

"Yes. He and Mikasa went to go get some food real quick. I told the nurse to get them." 

I was relieved once again. I could feel myself becoming tired from the interactions, but I wanted to see Papa and Mikasa. Right as they came in, I fell asleep. Dang it. 

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